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Wondrous item, rare

This quill writes by burning parchment, velum, or similar surfaces with electricity, instead of using ink. Dusting the surface with the quill's feather erases any mark made with it. It takes half as long as normal to write or copy something using this quill, as it races across a surface with ease.

You can use the quill to copy a spell into a spellbook. When you do, the spell doesn't require special ink, halving the gold you must normally spend to do so. If you use this quill to copy a damage-dealing spell into a spellbook, you can choose to change the spell's damage type to either lightning or thunder. You make this choice when you copy the spell into the book. Each time you copy a spell into a book using the quill, roll a d8. On a 1, the quill loses its magic after copying the spell, but can still be used as a normal quill.


To any mage inclined to invention, the Stormscribe was a welcome sight. Blue feather behind one ear and the aura of a storm ever around them, they took joy in any who shared their fascination with stormspun arcana.

But to any who faced them in battle, they were not so welcome. They suffered those storms in grasping claws of living lightning, clouds of sound so intense it tore the air asunder, walls of sparks and beams of thunder.



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