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Just a few shots I put together for Twitter, and you guys always always deserve some fluffin'! 

So, the VAM official twitter account stuck my original Hannah Flashing animation on a tweet that got a LOT of attention. (If you're curious.) It was super nice of Ross to boost me like that, so while I was cringing hard at how much I need to go back and polish that animation properly, it went and got me like 200 new followers! Whoa. I'm almost to 1,000 now, which is CRAZY.

I figured: Gotta feed the ravenous masses! Take some pretty pictures to show them that I'm worth following! So, I went with... uh... feet.

To be fair, I'm probably cruelly teasing all the real foot partialists out there, since these feets are mostly out of focus (except for the Hannah pic, which I've posted before).
Clearly, for me, it's not actually about the tootsies, but the pose itself. So, apologies, all my podophiliac bros.

But, know what, just LMK and I'll be happy to put some actual effort into the foot textures and morphs of my next character, with more satisfying screenshots besides.

I digress. I hope you enjoy the titillation and artistry nonetheless. 

And, please, send me supportive thoughts for Rayla's hairdo... Ecks Dee. (Is hard.)

The elf girl is a Ceilowyn morph variation with my Ty Lee skin; the others are Eve and Hannah, of course, all available via www.syrinxo.com




Hey just curious, what ever happened to the Goblin girl release? I was really looking forward to that... :(


Aw man, thanks for reminding me!! I had just a bit of Blender work to do on her first, and she kept getting backburnered. For, like, two years now, ha! I'll prioritize Grace and get her released fairly fast as soon as Rayla is done. She's waited long enough.