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[Dec. 14: Final WIP Update] Okay, last WIP, I promise. Thanks for your patience!! It's been a crazy month. 

You're going to get the whole shebang (is that a noun, or a verb?) very soon, but I wanted to share some pics of Rayla's finished morph and textures because... eh, I like how they came out. More than Ty Lee's, even though Rayla's don't have the 8K fanciness. 

The additional body tattoos (I assume she'd accumulate more as she got older) are decals, optional of course, just some hacked together vector art. I was tempted to go crazy with it, but I'm not exactly preeminent in the field of Moonshadow elf cutaneous symbology. Nor am I actually good at vector art. And they won't really look great unless they're incorporated into the specular map too (as  her eye tats are).

I just need one more good session in VR to work on her hair, and I'll release her, so a day or two. The new horns will come later; the current stand-in horn assets are close in shape, but too long so their bases stick through the back of her head. 

If you see anything you don't like, that could do with some fixing or adjustment, please tell me now, before release!!

[Dec. 7: Rayla Update - more WIPs] Happy December! My very-much-not-Christmas Elf is nearing completion. Here are a few more rough shots of my progress, so this post is turning into a bit of a time lapse.
I'm fairly happy with this skin. Diffuse textures are finished, unless I see a seam error or other mistake I missed, as are normals. Gloss and spec are next.
I don't like how her chin shape and a couple other things look after posing her a bit, so I'd say I'm back to 85% with the morph, heh. But just another night on that, I hope.

After that, I'm going to start working on her hairdo, then proper horns, then she should be done. Unfortunately, I won't have time to make her clothes, as much as I want to learn how to do that... her outfit is probably waaay unrealistic for a total beginner to recreate anyway! xD
Anyway, hope she's still looking good to y'all, please don't hesitate to point out anything that looks incorrect to you or poorly done.

[Nov. 30: Rayla Update - new WIP in gallery

I hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving had a lovely one!! I cooked for 2 days straight - exhausting but worth it. And I was barely able to open VAM, with family home on holiday, but now I'm finally able to squeeze in some hours. 

Rayla's morph is probably 95% done now, and I'm making good progress with her new custom skin, as you can see from the added image. ... I know it LOOKS like a significant step back from the previous WIP pics, wiht seams and baked shadows and no color blending and all, so... just trust me!! xD
I'm not doing it in 8K this time, but aside from that I am hoping her skin will look about on par with Ty Lee's. I'm working really hard on trying to make sure it matches her character - the sort of body a Moonshadow Elf assassin would actually have, you know?

Thanks SO MUCH to everyone who's still with me, and I'm sorry I couldn't get you Rayla before December, but that would've been a long shot even without the holiday. I'm shooting for 2 more weeks, we'll see how the hair and clothes go! 🥰 

[Original Post]
Perhaps she's recognizable? 

Here's another up-aged animated character interpretation that I hope to finish in a couple weeks. She's fairly early in the process and this is far from the finished version, but the morph is coming along well, I hope.  

I'll be trying to do new custom hair for her (this is a poor hack of other random hairdos), and I'm considering  diving into making clothes for the first time! Her outfit is very distinctive and difficult to replace. We'll see, that could be a total pipe dream.
She's currently using a Ceilowen skin variation, but I think she deserves a start from scratch, so we'll see about that too! 




Morph and skin are done! I hope to finish her hair, at least, in the next couple days. I'll release her then, and find time later on to dive into Blender to give her proper, more-accurate horns. Latest teaser pic added above.


Oh wow. She looks so good! I'm really liking the body tattoos too. Nice touch there.