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-Fixed issues with Main Menu scaling
-Added barriers to the hallway level where necessary
-Testing, building and more testing (and yet it's still not enough / never will be)

So here it is - our very first publicly released build. I hoped that I would have more time to add another scene into the game before this release, but life has different plans as always. Nevermind, I should have more free time in 2024.

About the build - it's not a full game. It's not finished and there are plenty of scenarios that will get you bugged. This is just a small taste, with basic mechanics, mostly to get some feedback from you guys, for example how does the walking feel, what could be done better, what issues did you ran across etc. From now on, I will probably release a build with every single devlog for my patrons on Patient tier and a build for every version update for Visitor tier.
Without you, supporting this project, it simply won't be possible! Thank you.

-in comments

To run the game simply open the zip file and run the HC Sanatorium exe. If you run into any bugs or issues, let me know in the comments or messages.

Happy New Year 2024!




Noticed you can press "up" to fly. the room had a ceiling so you could go to far but the hallway did not and I went into an endless sea of blue.


Yeah, that wasnt supposed to be there, just forgot to disable it :D I still dont know if there will be jumping in the game or not. Will see. Thanks for letting me know. How does the game play anyway?


well i've got some prob with the password that say it doesn't work?