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-Created graphics for Main Menu.
-Added Main Menu with buttons to Play and Quit the game.
-Added functionality to exit the game by pressing Esc (return to Main Menu).
-Tried exporting a demo build.
As the end of the year is approaching, so is the upcoming first build release. I want to incorporate few more things such as another room and a way to finish the game. However I don't know how busy I'll be during the holidays - but I will release the build on Patreon at the latest at December 31st since I've promised a release by the end of the year. Maybe sooner if I'm lucky, but don't count on that. Yeah, the Main Menu isn't scaled properly to the screen, just another new bug added to the list :D Merry Christmas!
Thank you for your support, all of my patrons and followers :)
Original video on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/nylfem/art/HC-Sanatorium-devlog-12-1004329460


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