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Was talkin to a buuuddy about Splatoon things, and then that water repelling stuff came up, and then Kei being made to rub down peeps with it came up, and then this happened.

Octoling Kei!

Also octolings belong to Nintendo




Octo Kei is perv. And I'm assuming ooooonly Octo Kei.


Oh yeah totally, he definitely didn't inherit it from the original or anything >3>


The belly rubs(〃ω〃) god I'm such a weirdo. I always liked how the inklings teeth looked too, just a cool idea.....now I want to play splatoon, like really bad. Damn it.


Belly rubs are the best! Not weird to me, I could have just filled that middle part with his hands on all the different bellies and I woulda loved it, but I figured it'd need more variety ¦T I like inklings in general! I think they're a really neat idea, but I wanna know more about 'em as a species!