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Of course my OBSCENE OBSESSION with Iolite would tell me to just do more things with her, but what would ya'll wanna see this month, doodle-wise?

Other characters of mine? Some cute characters from shows? STUFF?



Always loved me some Breixo! Big fluffy dork.


MORE FLAPS!! Kidding, but actually, I think more stuff with sentient prey. Been awhile since that's been a thing.


I like pretty much anything that continues with a character's narrative. Breixo, Dakota and Faust, I don't think you ever actually posted much with Dodger... And of course Iolite too. What happened to Papa Tanktop?!


Story things would be posted on FA, I like story things to be free and visible to everyone! Dakota and Faust I gave to Kaz a while ago, so it's up to him to do story stuff with them, and hah yeah poor Dodger, being made from a game was his weakness. I don't usually care too much for doing story things with characters made from things that aren't mine, like it's fun to make characters like that to consider how they'd be in that world, but ultimately I still wouldn't have full control over them with them not being in their own original universe. And ahaha, one of the next little slice of life comics with her has some more Papa Tanktop xD


I don't have strong feelings about what gets doodled. The crash bandicoot remake came out. That could be doodle worthy. Just tossing an idea.


I did wanna doodle some Coco, Crash is cuter with the HD version now, but his design is still a little odd for me


I love your male characters a lot sooo prolly stuff with them would be neat :3


more vore animations from you


I dunno I really like Pokemon stuff.


Hmm. How about Iolite eating so much that her stomach bulges out?


Going to be utterly unoriginal. MICE! Mice getting eated by stuff.


More Ratchet Doodlers would be awesome.


Kei draws Ratchet better than their creator


I always wanted to see more of the Renegade Dolly from you. There's good vore potential there!


OOH YES, man I wish they would show it again in the comic! It kinda just disappeared And since the Dollies work the same way as the Dolly people, they would have to eat to regen any wounds, so hehe


More Pokemon stuff! <3


Anything that hasn't got a human or humanoid predator, really.


I never tire of seeing Ratchet honestly! Such a lovely maw he's got :3


Though would be just as wesome to get to see something of Timon or Tom from Tom and Jerry as well, Timon especially in my book :3


Hah Kaz wants something with Timon too, so I might actually do that


how about some accidental vore with disgust and attempted regurgitation, maybe the prey is very upset about it and the predator tries to regurgitate but fails, how about a dragon predator.


or what about unwilling predator with prey that forces himself down the throat of the predator?


Willing prey isn't really something I like doing, but unwilling pred being fed something or a pred that accidentally nommed something and feels bad or sick from it is pretty nice! And ooh dragon preds are always good too~