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MHA 7x3

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I knew I should've watched the episode first thing waking up, rather than do my usual morning check of emails 'n subs, ha ha... Ah well. EDIT: Heh, and Alicia goes on a whole tirade about "I won't put Aoyama crying in the thumbnail with the title 'I called it'", when that's exactly what happened here on Patreon. I imagine there might've been a miscommunication or something like that with editor / whoever uploads on Patreon? Shit happens I suppose.


Current opening song definitely goated. It has that "finality" vibe to it, as does the ending song


About the "Beautiful difference" between Deku and Navel Laser, there's always been a connection of sorts between them, such as in their names. Aoyama (Blue/green mountain) and Midoriya (Green mountain).

Josh Newerth

Personally, I hate spoilers in thumbnails whatever show or however long it's been out. It's like I haven't watched a show at all and maybe I wanna watch it, see it in my recommended and see someone being dead or whatever. Same with manga shit. I've been spoiled about JJK so much because of thumbnails it's insane. Edit: I also think that Deku's mom would've 100% gone to AFO if she knew that there was a person like that, that could give out quirks to other people. Because nobody besides close people around All Might knew how bad AFO actually was. That's why I wouldn't blame Aoyama's parents either.


gg wp alicia

Sean Mcguinness

I somehow managed to avoid the traitor reveal spoiler but someone sent me a spoiler of Invisible Girl because of a Godamm doujin they read. Never been more mad.


I'm the same as you Alicia, i always hated him because he was useless 100% of the time

Liam Hansen

Are you going to watch the third movie? You may want to before the end of the season. I think more characters from that movie may appear before the end of the season.


If you want a really amusing thought.... AfO giving Yuga Naval Laser, meaning he had to have had it, and we know he's obsessive about testing Quirks... so at one point, AfO had a belly button laser that possibly made him shit himself. No wonder he was so willing to give that quirk away.