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Now this is something of a throwback lol. It's been a long time since I wrote the story this one is acting as a sequel to and hopefully I've improved somewhat since then. I'll let you guys be the judge of that!

Oh and in case y'all wanna refresh your memories here's a link to the first part!

In the months since her suitors arrival Princess Yselda had come to know Princess Avau quite well. And in more than simply a carnal sense, although the two had certainly spent many a tight wrapped around one another gasping and moaning in ecstasy. Her initial infatuation had turned into something of a deep and burning fascination as she learned about the barbaric yet beautiful lands of Oesre from one of it's native daughters. Everything she'd ever been told about the country came from the mouths of outsiders, their words skewed and biased beyond all reason. Her stunningly beautiful companion may have been affected by a bias of her own but it felt somehow more genuine and sincere than anything she'd ever been taught. She spent many a night falling asleep to fanciful tales of untamed wilderness, rugged mountains, and proud warrior clans. It was almost enough to keep her awake into the wee hours of the morning, had such tales not arrived after a wonderful yet exhausting bout of lovemaking. But being lulled to sleep by her soon to be wife's deep, rumbling voice was an experience Yselda could happily grow accustomed to. Indeed it rapidly became one of her favorites things about their burgeoning romance. Second only to the utter joy of being completely dominated and ravished by a towering hulk of a woman capable of splitting her in half without trouble yet simultaneously capable of being as gentle as a warm summer breeze.

Of course spending most of her days and all of her nights with Princess Avau left her little room to be with her champions, a fact she'd initially fretted about after their lovely sojourn in the forest. She couldn't help but feel a touch guilty about coaxing them into an amazing bout of passionate sex only to suddenly deny them any more pleasure as she lost herself in a new love. More than once she considered sneaking away from her exotic goddess of a suitor to visit her champions and assure them she was still very much enthralled with their sexual prowess. But such an act felt entirely too much like being unfaithful to the woman she felt herself falling in love with. Despite neither of them making any vows or indeed discussing the matter much beyond an occasional passing comment. Only after deliberately pressing the matter for several days in a row did she learn another fascinating Oesre custom. Evidently any courting their people did took place over the course of a month at minimum and several years at maximum, with the families and friends of both lovers weighing in on the relationship. Since her family and friends were on another continent entirely Avau dealt mostly in messages and messengers to relay how progress was going, with Yselda acting as a scribe for the thoughts being shared. Hearing what her lover was telling her family each time she dictated a message was strangely beautiful in ways she could never quite put into words. Thankfully she didn't have to and instead focused on what she was writing for her companion. It was at the tail end of one such experience that she was given perhaps her greatest idea yet.

Like they always did both women had retreated into Yselda's chambers as soon as the sun had set and much of the castle was retiring for the evening. Their clothing had been stripped away as soon as the door was shut, Avau removing the little she wore faster than her companion could unlace her bodice or discard her slippers. Interrupted by countless bouts of kissing and nuzzling and soft laughs the two eventually managed to disrobe completely and stand naked before one another with the same brilliant smiles they'd worn the very first time they did so. But instead of diving into the bed and losing all sense of time or place they teased themselves and each other a little longer with one of the daily letters sent to Oesre. With all the strength and willpower she could muster Princess Yselda turned away from the towering, almond skinned goddess she'd somehow come to be with to sit at a small desk on the far side of the room. She felt her lover's eyes watch her every step of the way, relishing in the way her pale, freckled body moved as she scurried across the stone. Avau joined her on the far side of the chambers, slowly pacing back and forth as she spoke aloud her thoughts, beginning with the normal introductions both of them knew by heart and slowly leading into more personal matters.

“Today we walked through the palace gardens.” Princess Avau remarked, her arms folded and her face pensive as she thought about the best way to describe what'd happened, “I've never seen anything so beautiful . . . except when looking at Yselda.”

Feeling her cheeks darken as she bent over the writing desk to jot down what'd been said Yselda couldn't help but smile and ask, “Should I include the last part?”

Her question was met with a soft laugh and the sound of approaching footsteps. A strong, calloused hand brushed aside her fiery orange locks and a soft pair of lips pressed against her neck, “What do you think?'

“I'll include it!” She moaned, shivering with anticipation and steeling herself against the arousal doing it's best to distract her. “W-What else did you want to say?”

Avau softly chuckled and stepped away, her stomach doing a nervous little flip as she considered her next words carefully. For all her physical might and unquestioning bravery simply expressing aloud what she was feeling as she looked at her beautiful lover was the most daunting task she could've imagined. Thankfully she was bolstered by an insatiable need to see how Yselda reacted. “I believe I've begun to fall in love with her . . .”

Visibly tensing as her face turned a brilliant shade of crimson and her already goosebump riddled skin seemed to ripple with excitement Yselda swallowed several times in quick succession. She wanted to leapt from her chair and into her suitor's arms but her limbs seemed unable to move no matter how fiercely her mind yelled at them. After a painfully long silence she realized how nervous her usually unflappable companion must've been and quietly said, “I believe I've begun to fall in love with her . . .” she repeated, each word arriving at a snail's pace as her trembling hand traced quill across parchment, “I-It's a pity I'm n-not writing a letter of m-my own . . .”

“What would you say?” Avau asked, her voice breathy and excited.

“Dear Queen Kwenthri . . . I've begun to tall in love with your daughter . . .”

A quiet, almost tense moment followed her words but before she could say or do anything her partner rushed forward. She turned towards her a moment before their lips met in a passionate embrace and pleasure cascaded through their bodies. Yselda rose from her chair and threw her arms around the beauty before her. Avau wrapped her slender love in a tight hug, all but lifting her off the ground as she hurried towards the bed. They landed on the soft bedding in a tangled heap of quivering limbs and writhing bodies, soft moans already filling the room as they quickly lost themselves in the passion that'd been simmering just beneath the surface of their self control. Hands glided across trembling flesh as breathy gasps and frantic whimpers emerged from their busily occupied mouths. Neither spoke another word, they didn't need to. Everything they needed to say aloud had been said and everything else could be shared through passion alone. Kissing her way down the tanned, muscular body of the first woman she'd ever come to adore with such a passion the Princess of Cassamere didn't hesitate to bury her face between a pair of thick, trembling thighs that could've crushed her between them without a thought. Her tongue plunged into the deliciously wet sex waiting for her and she smiled in rapturous delight as her lover's back arched. Crying out in unabashed pleasure the Princess of Oesre grabbed hold of her partner's fiery mane and stared deep into her piercing green eyes for as long as she find the strength.

But soon her own silvery gray orbs were rolling back in her skull as a wild moan burst from her lips, every ragged breath making her voluptuous breasts heave like the crashing waves of the sea while her equally curvaceous hips bucked and grinded against the source of the pleasure assaulting her senses. Unable to witness such a sight without responding Yselda slid a hand down her comparatively more slender but no less shapely body to bury a hand between her own creamy thighs and plunge two fingers into her sex. For a moment her other slid across her perky breasts and teased her aching nipples but it swiftly found a new home inside the quivering slit her tongue had once occupied. Instead her soft lips came to rest against the swollen but at the crest of her partner's womanhood, her tongue darting across it in a wild dash as her freckled face turned a furious shade of red. Her lover's strong fingers clutched fistfuls of her hair and held on tight as she writhed with uncontrollable lust, her toes curling inwards as she let out a teeth baring groan. The ecstasy within them both soared higher and higher with every passing second, the two of them well and truly losing themselves in the beauty of their connection no matter how loud such a banding became. But the night had only just begun and the climactic, almost explosive release Avau enjoyed at the hands and mouth of her lover was far from the end. If anything it only fueled her rampant desires further and ensure both of them were soaked, quivering wrecked by the time they'd finished expressing their adoration for one another.

Some three hours later Yselda was sprawled across her bed, dripping with both her own arousal and Avau's. She was lying face down in a quivering heap while her mighty, unconquerable love lay beside her in much the same state. Neither of them could speak nor move nor think for quite some time, the relentless aftershocks of their final orgasms still reverberating throughout their bodies. And even when they were finally freed from the tyrannical ecstasy of their own making the warm afterglow that followed was even more disarming. The simple act of drawing in a full, unobstructed breath proved near insurmountable and anything more complicated than that was downright impossible. Yet somehow the tow managed to shift closer to one another, their bodies naturally inching closer as their half broken minds slowly pieced themselves back together. Although neither woman made the conscious effort to do so they still managed to end up in each others arms, like they always did at the end of every night spent together. Well before their minds were capable of conscious thought or their bodies were capable of decisive movement Yselda found her head resting against her partner's chest, gently nuzzling against her neck. One of her arms was stretched out across the bed behind her and her legs remained tangled in the same ungainly mess they'd been in before. But her other arm was draped across her companion's taut stomach. Avau had managed to embrace her as well, although the effort of doing so had left her quite dazed and wonderfully breathless. In was in that position the two of them remained, each slowly drifting off but unable to fall asleep. Until the Princess of Oesre found the energy to speak and the Princess of Cassamere found the energy to listen.

“Have I . . . Have I ever told you . . . of my people's marriage customs?”

“No . . .”

“In many ways they're not . . . they're not unlike your own . . .”

“That's good . . .”

“Yes . . . in spirit I believe the ceremonies and bonds are the same . . . but the marriage that follows is . . . different . . .

“What do you mean?”

“My people do not believe in the . . . in the restrictions of monogamy . . . Some choose it willingly but most . . . most remain bonded in spirit while sharing . . . physical love . . . with others . . .”

A little rush of adrenaline surged through Yselda's body and she dazedly asked, “What does that mean?”

Avau laughed, sensing her partner's excitement and delighting in it, “Unlike your people . . . we do not restrict our passions to those we've married . . . most of the time . . .”

“Oh . . .” Although she was outwardly calm, at least she thought she was, inwardly the Princess of Cassamere was exploding with excitement. She had no idea why her lover was volunteering such information but she couldn't have been happier about the timing, “What would you desire?”

“My answer depends on your own . . .”


There was a long pause, long enough to make Yselda wonder what was going on. Had she been strong enough she might've looked to her companion in search of answers. But such a feat was still beyond her and she was forced to wait for them to come naturally, “If you wish to stay faithful . . . to your own customs and to me . . . I would not object . . .”

“Is that . . . is that what you would want?”

Another silence stretched out between them and although she couldn't see her lover's face she could feel the smiling spreading across it as she answered, “No . . . I would want to share you with others . . . and to be shared with others . . .”

Yselda felt goosebumps spread across Avau's skin and within a second or two they'd spread across her own as well, “You want to . . . you want to see me make love to other people?”

“Yes . . .”

“Oh . . .” The atmosphere of the room shifted and the Princess of Oesre tensed. Realizing the ambiguity of her response the Princess of Cassamere summoned all the strength she could to lift her head and look into the now worried eyes of her lover, “I think . . . I would enjoy that too . . .” She clarified, “I know I would enjoy it very much . . .”

Relief flooded her partner's face, followed soon after by genuine delight. The two of them shared a long kiss before Yselda's strength failed her and she slumped against her love once more. When Avau spoke again her voice was filled with excitement, “ Leta and Jaiva will be delighted . . .”

Her barely conscious lover let out a soft laugh to mask her surprise, “They desire me?”

“Oh yes . . . Leta is quite infatuated with you and though she hides it well I know Jaiva harbors similar feelings . . .”

“They both hide it well!”

“If you do not know them as I do perhaps . . .” Avau chuckled.

“Does that mean you've . . .”

“Had sex with them? Many times . . . although since we've arrived I've neglected them . . . for fear of how you might be hurt if I were to bed another . . .”

Thoroughly delighted by the image of the three beautiful, sculpted warriors making love to one another and more than a little amazed by how perfectly mirrored her own experience was Yselda couldn't quite figure out what to say for some time. She wanted to tell her about Sir Emrich and Master Tavelle, to share her own lascivious past and breathlessly explain her excitement. But for reasons she couldn't quite discern the words wouldn't pass from her lips. Perhaps it was a momentary flash of embarrassment? A consequence of the way her culture viewed sex and how a princess should behave with regards to such matters? Or perhaps it was the fear that Avau had no interest in sharing her with men? Although she'd never thought to ask the longer they remained together the more it seemed her beloved Princess was only interested in the company of women. Her past with Leta and Jaiva certainly aligned with that notion. And while she had no reason to think her lover would be unpleasant or unkind about such an occurrence she was hesitant to bring it up and sour the pleasant afterglow they were basking in. So in a rare moment of restraint and self control she held her tongue, instead allowing her mind to run wild with thoughts of Avau, Jaiva, and Leta together. Those thoughts were nothing short of wonderful and the more she indulged them the more she wished to see them realized. Such a thing was so remarkably easy to accomplish it seemed almost foolish to not seek it out. She'd only have to talk to her partner's companions . . .

“What are you thinking about?”

“You and Jaiva and Leta together . . .”

Avau laughed and held her a little closer, “I can tell you of the first time we were together . . . if such a story would interest you . . .”

“I don't think there's a story I'd want to hear more!”

“I thought so . . .” She wiggled into a slightly more comfortable position and let out a contended sigh as she began, “It was our third day of a hunt and we'd finally stopped at a pond after hours of marching through the jungle . . .

Yselda hung on ever word from her companion's mouth, her mind positively racing as she was told an absolutely amazing tale of love, lust, and genuine passion. Even if some elements were embellished for her sake the whole affair was such a breathtaking adventure it was near impossibly for her to fall asleep until she'd heard every last detail. Of course once she had and a comfortable silence filled the room her mind began to wander and exhaustion crept over her body. Their soft, tender conversation resumed as Avau asked her what she thought of the tale and she responded with weary excitement but it was obvious neither of them could truly continue for much longer. The emotional and physical toils of their day were far too weighty to simply ignore and soon enough they'd collapsed into each other's arms, soft snores and half formed mumbles filling the once chaotically noisy bedchambers. At some point in the night one or both of them pulled the covers over their naked,bodies and by the time they woke late into the next morning the two were curled up beneath several layers, each facing away from the other but all too happy to roll over and share a bleary eyed smile as consciousness returned to them.

“Good morning . . .”

“Good morning . . .”

Their fingers interlocked as they shifted closer to one another and let out near identical sighs as the golden morning light fell across their faces, “We should've shut those curtains . . .”

“Next time we will . . .”

Yselda giggled and Avau chuckled, neither of them wanting to get up but both of them keenly aware they had to. Although the King was responsible for many of the more banal and mind numbing duties that accompanied ruling the land they had their fair share of duties as well. More than usual as their impending wedding had yet to be announced and the planning of such a grand even would surely require a great deal of effort on their part. The logistics alone would undoubtedly take several days to sort out! And despite neither of them saying a word about it since their confessions of love the previous night both women knew the other was thinking about all those little and not so little details. Before too long those thoughts turned into action as they slowly sat up and stretched their aching bodies. Even the simple act of getting out bed was proving difficult after so many nights spent wrapped in orgasmic bliss and mind altering pleasure. Thankfully much of their soreness was alleviated by the steaming hot baths they took soon after. Washing away the smell of sweat and sex was important for a myriad of reasons but allowing their aching limbs a chance to recuperate was perhaps the most vital element of their daily ablutions.

Once they'd finished and dressed themselves Yselda and Avau made their way down to the great hall to participate in the many royal duties expected of them, a task neither of them could truly complain about when it meant spending the entire day together. Their responsibilities only grew frustrating or unwelcome when the two were called away from one another to deal with matters on far sides of the palace or even beyond it's grounds entirely. Had such occasions not allowed them a chance to spend time with their champions the two would've found very little to enjoy about the occasions. But seeing and spending time with their companions after inadvertently neglecting them as much as they were never failed to bring a smile to both women's faces. Yselda in particular spent every minute available speaking with and enjoying Mater Tavelle and Sir Emrich's company. After the previous night's revelations she was tempted to enjoy their company in a far more carnal fashion than she had in the last few months, but the seed of a lascivious idea had taken hold of her thoughts and though it was a considerable effort she restrained herself for the time being. At least long enough to speak with her bride to be's champions as well.

That opportunity arrived a few days later when Avau was called away to speak with the ambassador being sent to Oesre on behalf of Cassamere. Although she could've easily joined her lover Yselda made her excuses to stay behind and set off in search of Leta and Jaiva instead. She found them sparring with one another in training grounds near the front of the palace, at least a dozen Cassameren guards looking on in awe as the two fought. And in spite of her own excitement and the haste with which she moved the princess couldn't help but join them in watching for a time either. Both women were incredibly skilled, their movements as fluid and dexterous as any she'd ever seen. Watching them reminded her of the Grand Tournament that'd been held before she found her own champions. Perhaps she could organize a friendly bout between her companions and Avau's? The prospect of seeing them all duel one another was remarkably exciting. Especially as she watched Jaiva and Leta dance across the sparring ring with effortless grace. But those thoughts were difficult to focus on as she noticed the sweat running in rivulets down their broad, muscular bodies and entirely different thoughts wriggled into her mind. Before long any appreciation for their combat prowess had faded into the background, replaced by the excited, lustful thoughts of a woman often too aroused for her own good.

Luckily the pair finished their dueling before her urges got the better of her and she was forced to stop them for her own selfish needs. The audience quickly dispersed as the two laid down their weapons and shared a waterskin but Yselda hurried to their side with an eager grin, “That was a wonderful duel! I've scarcely seen better fighting!”

“Thank you Princess!”

“You honor us Princess!”

Yselda blushed a little as she nodded at their words and her mind unhelpfully reminded her of what Avau had said about the two beautiful warriors standing before her. “I only speak the truth. Your skills are remarkable and it's no wonder Princess Avau travels with you!”

Leta and Jaiva nodded, the corners of their mouths twitching upwards as they glanced at one another for a moment. “Did you need anything of us?” The latter asked.

“We're here to serve.” The former added.

“As a matter of fact, there is something I need of you. Of both of you. But it's a . . . sensitive matter . . . and one that involves Princess Avau as well. Though she doesn't yet know it.” Her companions flashed her understandably confused looks and she laughed, “Forgive my cryptic words . . . I'm a touch nervous about my plans . . . allow me to clarify . . .”

Though she had remarkably little to actually say and her plan was about as simple as could be Yselda couldn't help stammering and stumbling her way through it every step of the way. In part because of her own rampant nerves and in part because the two women she was speaking to were so incredibly beautiful. Knowing both desired her didn't make matters any easier but it did afford a certain amount of motivation even as her companion's cheeks darkened and they looked away from her with uncharacteristic embarrassment when she finally managed to blurt out the plan she'd so hastily created in the depths of her perverted mind. Yet in spite of their obvious nervousness the pair agreed the moment she stopped speaking. Their eagerness was quite boost to Yselda's flagging morale, even if she now felt more jittery than ever as the prospect of actually going through with her wild idea loomed over her. Before it'd just been a silly little fancy, the sort of thing she could easily push aside if she really had to. Now that Jaiva and Leta had agreed it was much too real to dismiss out of hand. With all the thrills and worries that accompanied such a thing.

“Are you certain this is what you want?” Leta asked.

“O-Of course!” Yselda nodded, confident in that much at least, “I-I've never done anything like this before but . . . but I cannot think of anything I want more!”

“Princess Avau is lucky to have you.” Jaiva remarked.

“I think we all are.” Her companion added with a sultry grin.

Yselda's faced burned with embarrassment as she looked away from the two warrior goddesses standing before her, “T-Thank you! I-I should go now! I-I need to f-find Avau and bring her t-to the gardens!”


“We'll make our way there now.”

“G-Good! I-I'll see you both soon!”

She turned away to scurry off and find her love only to be stopped dead in her tracks when five strong, calloused fingers took her hand. Letting out a startled but not altogether unhappy gasp she turned back towards her soon to be lovers to see both of them kneeling down. Their smiles betrayed the motivation behind their sudden bout of deference well before Jaiva slowly kissed the top of her hand. Yselda's eyes widened and she let out a nervously excited giggle as those soft, full lips lingered against her skin just a moment longer than they should've. Just a moment longer than decorum asked for. Goosebumps spread across her her body like a wildfire and she continued to hold her hand out even after the first of her smiling partners let go. Which of course only made it that much easier for Leta to take her hand soon after and lavish her with the same lingering kiss her companion had given. Heat radiated from the Princess' face like rays from the sun and the moment both her subjects stood up she turned away and hurried off as fast as her barely functional legs could move. Neither her excitement nor her blushing cheeks faded in the several minutes it took to find Avau and neither went unnoticed by her ever perceptive bride to be.

“What's gotten into you?” She asked after the two had exchanged pleasantries.

“Come with me!” Yselda replied, grabbing Avau's hands and pulling her away from whatever banal task she'd been busy with, “Right this instant!”

Delighted by and swept up in her lover's excitement Avau could only laugh as she was dragged from the stuffy chambers of some diplomat she'd been doing her best to listen to. But as the two of them traipsed down the hall she couldn't help but ask, “Where are we going?”

“The gardens!”

“Oh!” An extra dose of excitement coursed through her, though it couldn't quell the burning curiosity still raging through her mind, “Why?!”


“That's not an answer!”

“But it's all I can say for now!”

She did her best to honor the intentions behind those words for as long as she could but as they wound their way through servants, nobles, guards, and courtiers alike it was all but impossible not to wonder what was waiting for them in the gardens. And the more her mind wandered the harder remaining silent became, “Give me a hint!” She cried as they hurried down the steps into the great hall.

“I can't!”

“Why not?”

“I wouldn't be able to stop myself!”

“Then don't! Spoil the surprise!”

“I can't do that!” Yselda cried as they rounded a corner and rushed down the hall towards the gardens.

Avau laughed once more and gave up on finding out, her intense curiosity momentarily sated as she caught a glimpse of the expansive conservatory through the windows rushing past them. Of course the moment they stepped out of the stuffy confines of the palace and into the cool, lush tableau waiting for them her intense need to know what was happening surged back to the forefront of her thoughts. More fuel was added to the fire when her companion didn't slow her wild pace one bit despite them reaching what should've been their goal. If anything she seemed to speed up as they ran down the winding paths, weaving between countless trees and painstakingly maintained greenery from all across the world. The magically conjured sky above them seemed to share in their excitement, the clouds floating across it shifting by faster and faster while the sun seemed to sparkle with rampant enthusiasm. Sharing their eagerness Avau admired the beautiful scenery around her, marveling at the sheer wealth of life visible no matter where she looked. Even as excited as she was to learn what had taken hold of her love the incredible beauty of the Cassameren gardens was utterly intoxicating. Almost as much as the wild eyed beauty of the woman leading her deeper and deeper into the expansive conservatory. Deeper than she'd ever been and indeed deeper than many ever traveled. Save the gardeners.

Which only made her surprise that much greater when they entered a beautifully peaceful and wholly isolated glade deep in the gardens to find Leta and Jaiva waiting for her. “Can I know what you're planning now?!” Avau exclaimed as she approached her companions and embraced them, “ I'm not certain I can bear any further mystery!”

“I can't tell you what's going on.” Yselda replied with a breathy smile. “But I can show you!”

She let that enigmatic statement hang in the air for a moment before the excitement overcame her and she moved towards the beautiful women she'd brought along. Avau watched her gorgeous bride to be rush towards two of her oldest friends, her mind going wild with speculation as she stepped aside. But of all the wild, nonsensical theories she concocted in the handful of seconds it took Yselda to approach her champions none could compare to the reality of what she witnessed. Because no matter how vibrant and perverted her thoughts were actually her love throw her arms around one of the towering warrior women she'd grown up beside and embrace her in a passionate flurry of kisses and moans was beyond even her overactive imagination. Fully and completely losing herself in the thrill of the moment the Princess of Cassamere kissed Leta like it was the last kiss she'd ever enjoy in her life. She all but leapt into the much taller, much stronger woman's arms as she did so and the moan that spilled from her lips was as genuine as could be. Enthusiastic shivers coursed through her body in powerful, intoxicating waves as her tongue emerged from her lips a few seconds later. It was met by another, toe curlingly strong tongue and another gasping breath burst out of her. And yet as good as all that felt it wasn't until her partner's hands grabbed her buttocks and squeezed them with unabashed lust that Yselda truly appreciated Oesren marriage customs in their entirety. Being groped and kissed in front of her bride to be was nothing short of heavenly.

Knowing how much Avau was surely enjoying the sight even without looking at her added a hitherto unknown layer to an already incredible experience. A layer that only seemed to grow stronger with every passing second and a layer that gained a whole new dimension when Jaiva joined in the fun. Approaching the two with a soft chuckle and a sidelong glance at her own Princess she brushed aside her orange haired lover's mane and lavished kisses upon her neck. Her well trained fingers slid around her supple body to grope and tease her breasts, effortlessly sending yet more waves of pleasure crashing through their already quivering plaything. After a few moments the woman at the center of their lust couldn't help but end the kiss she'd been so absorbed in, a breathy squeal erupting from her mouth as she threw her head back for a moment. Leta and Jaiva took the chance to lavish yet more kisses all across her flushed, freckled chest and shoulders. At least until the latter was met with the far more delicious and far more wonderful embrace of Yselda's lips soon after. Like her companion she leaned hard into that wildly passionate kiss, her muscular body all but crushing the petite little minx between them as she fully submitted to her lust. Much like their amorous little lover both women were exceedingly aroused by the presence of their one, very special audience member and it was an arousal that only seemed to burn brighter and brighter with every passing second. Particularly when Avau let out a shuddering moan.

Thoroughly stunned and completely amazed by what she was seeing the Princess of Oesre could only stand by and watch as her bride was groped and kissed by her two oldest friends. It was a sight that'd featured in many of her wildest fantasies but not something she ever expected to enjoy beyond them. In no small part because of how prudish and reserved Cassamere seemed to be. At least compared to her own homeland.  And that unexpected disconnect made the sight that much more incredible as shivers ran down her spine and the meager strip of cloth hiding her sex was quickly soaked through. She wanted to rush forward and join them, to tear away the scraps of clothing hiding her suddenly inflamed body and simply go wild. But before she could fully submit to her own, insatiable libido Princess Avau remembered the other part of those wild fantasies. Realizing that she'd gotten everything she wanted but her love was still left unfulfilled, even if she didn't yet realize it, stopped her in her tracks. Though it didn't stop her from sliding a hand between her thighs and rubbing her aching sex while pulling down the fabric hiding her painfully stiff nipples.

There was still so much more pleasure to be had but but for the time being she was content to enjoy the blessings she'd been given. An chance to sweeten their already wonderful tryst would arrive soon enough and until it did she was beyond thrilled to move her calloused fingers in slowly quickening circles across her swollen but while teasing her puffy areola with her other hand. Especially as the three people she loved most in the world sank deeper and deeper into their own pleasure. Witnessing how passionate and enthused they were sent happiness coursing through every fiber of Avau's body and it wasn't long before that happiness manifested as the gasping moans and whimpering sighs that all three of her lovers knew well. Little did she realize the sound of her rampant lust was both an encouragement and a distraction to the trio. As much as they loved hearing her pleasure they would've much preferred sharing in it instead. A notion made abundantly obvious when the Princess of Cassamere stopped kissing her lovers to give them a quick little nod and a bright grin. They returned the gesture and slowly parted. A moment later her feet returned to the earth and she turned towards her bride.

The moment Yselda pulled away from Leta and Jaiva to smile at her lover Avau fixed all three of them with a wild eyed grin. But after a moment or two her eyes darted away from them to glance at the serene gardens all around them. For a split second her thoroughly overwhelmed bride to be assumed she was making sure nobody could see them. But that assumption was quickly dashed, “Where've you hidden Sir Emrich and Master Tavelle?”


“Your champions. Have they been delayed?”

More confused than ever Yselda pulled away entirely from the warriors flanking her to stare at Avau, “Y-You expected them to be here?”

“Of course!”

“W-Why would you expect that?”

Avau flashed her a knowing grin and slowly folded her arms, “Don't pretend they aren't your lovers . . . I've seen how you look at them . . . and I've seen how they look at you.”

“T-Then you aren't—they w-wouldn't be—it's not—”

“If your worried about who or what I desire in a lover, you needn't fear. I've been with men and women alike.”

“As have I.” Leta added.

Jaiva blushed and stared down at her feet for a moment, seemingly steeling herself before saying, “I've not . . .”

Her three companions looked at her and Yselda quietly asked, “Would you like to?”

Jaiva's cheeks darkened even more and she gave a quick little nod. Avau and Leta grinned while their pale skinned companion practically vibrated with joy. “I'll go get them then!” She gasped, “Don't do anything fun while I'm away!”

“They're in the barracks.” Avau said with an impish grin, “I expect they'll be waiting to hear from you . . .”

Yselda stared at her ever surprising, ever mysterious love with a slightly amazed grin, still unable to believe the life she'd stumbled into. Luckily for all of them her excitement vastly outweighed her amazement and long before her mind made the conscious choice to do so her legs were carrying her back into the castle and towards the barracks. Before long she was sprinting through palace as fast as she could, entirely unconcerned with the startled looks and disapproving stares her breakneck paced earned as she passed by the nobles and courtiers always present. Although her journey only lasted a minute or so the effort and the excitement of sprinting from once side of the keep to the other left her a gasping, sweaty mess. Something she should have considered before she burst into the soldier's quarters like a madwoman, her sweat soaked hair clinging to her flushed cheeks and her lungs gasping for air with every breath. More than a dozen guards witnessed her dramatic arrival and after a single heartbeat spent staring in open confusion they leapt to their feet with weapons drawn. Immediately realizing how insane she looked Yselda clutched a stitch in her side with one hand while hastily waving the other back and forth and panting out reassurances as best she could.

“No . . . trouble . . .looking . . . for . . . champions . . . no . . . trouble . . . everything . . . fine!”

Although some of the men and women standing at the ready lowered their weapons and relaxed their postures others approached their gasping princess with concern, “Are you all right Lady?”

“Has something happened?”

“You should sit down!”

“Please, have some water!”

“No . . . time!” She replied, “Need . . . champions . . . where?”

“Lady Yselda!” A pair of familiar voices cried out.

Doing her best to reassure the worried soldiers around her with awkward grins and clumsy pats on the shoulder the Princess slipped through the crowd to see her champions approaching. Sir Emrich's glossy black hair was tied into an intricate braid that while his pale, angular half elven features were flushed a bright red as he hastened to her side. Next to him the mountain of an Orc that was Master Tavelle was similarly flushed with worry, his already deep green skin darkening even further as his silver eyes crinkled with concern. Both men were shirtless and dressed in little more than small clothes, the disparity between them downright comical as the vastly more slender half elf and his hulking Orcish partner strode side by side towards their Princess. They sank to one knee the moment they reached her, each doing his best to maintain the respect she was owed in spite of their concern. And in spite of the less than professional relationship they had with the future Queen of Cassamere. Still unable to speak in complete sentences Yselda stepped towards them and clumsily slapped a hand on both of their shoulders. Practically leaning against them as she tried and failed to catch her breath she took just long enough to speak for their concern to melt into bemusement.

“Come . . . with me . . . important . . . business . . . in the . . . gardens . . . need you . . . both . . . right . . . now!”

Tavelle and Emrich looked at one another with a hint of amusement, “Of course my Lady.” The former said.

“We'll need a moment to dress ourselves.” The latter added.

“No time . . . shirt only . . .nothing else . . .needed!”

Confused and intrigued in equal measure her champions nodded and simply replied, “As you wish my Lady.”

A few seconds passed and neither of them stood up in spite of the haste in their Princess' voice. Yselda opened her mouth to breathless admonish them, only to realize how heavily she was leaning upon both men. With a slightly embarrassed laugh she released them from her clutches and stepped back. They sprang to their feet and disappeared deeper into the barracks. Within a minute both had returned wearing boots and thoroughly unremarkable tunics. Emrich had taken the time to strap his blade to his waist but Tavelle, as ever, remained unarmed. They approached her once more and Yselda said her goodbyes to the rest of the soldiers, as well as her apologies, before hurrying out of their quarters at the greatest speed she could muster. Her champions followed close behind, neither saying a word and both casting many an amused glance at one another. Their trip back through the castle and to the gardens where a trio of beautiful Oesren women waited was both short and quiet despite their slower pace and the mystery hanging over why they were going there at all. When they arrived to find Princess Avau, Leta, and Jaiva standing in the most secluded part of the expansive conservatory their curiosity reached new heights, although never in their wildest dreams did Emrich or Tavelle imagine what they were truly there for.

“I've brought them!” Yselda triumphantly wheezed.

“It's a pleasure to see you again.” Avau said, bowing her head as she looked at the pair.

“It's a pleasure to see you again.” They replied in unison, offering low bows in return.

“I trust you remember my companions Leta and Jaiva?”

“Of course Lady Avau.” Tavelle replied.

“It would be difficult to forget any of you.” Emrich answered.

Jaiva's cheeks darkened even further while both Leta and Avau exchanged small grins. “Has Princess Yselda told you why you're here?”


“She has not.”

“Well . . .” Avau sauntered towards them with her bride in tow. Both men watched with slightly wary expressions, although their eyes still tracked the sway of her hips and the curve of her beautiful body in spite of their natural caution. “I can assure you there won't be any need for this . . .”

Laying a hand on the pommel of Emrich's sword she leaned in a close as she could get without actually touching him and despite his normally composed, collected demeanor the barest hint of a flush crept into his pale cheeks as he asked, “What do you mean?”

“They wish to have sex with us.” Tavelle observed, grinning at Leta with an appreciative look before fixing his gaze upon Ava. “If I had to guess . . . Princess Yselda has been told of Oesren marriage customs and now wishes to enjoy the freedom they provide . . .”

“You know of our customs?” Jaiva asked.

“Some of them. I've visited Oesre in my travels but I wouldn't pretend to know your culture well enough to be anything but a novice.”

“Is this true?” Tavelle asked, looking at Yselda with an expression she couldn't quite read, “Have you invited us here to partake in Oesren customs?”

“Yes . . . but you do not have to if you don't wish . . . I would never force you to do such a thing! I only wanted to share our passions . . .”

For several tense moments their half elven companion remained completely stoic, his inscrutable look betraying no hint of what he might be thinking. “Then what are we waiting for?” He finally asked, quickly unfastening his sheath and grinning at the women assembled before him, “I suspect it won't be long before someone notices our absence . . .”

“You're probably right!” Yselda gasped, her face lighting up in a brilliant smile, “We shouldn't waste another second!”

Smiles were exchanged and a nervous excitement fell over them like a shroud as everyone looked at one another in what would be their last moment of true hesitation for quite sometime. Although every last on of them wanted nothing more than to jump headfirst into the wild debauchery their meeting was surely leading to their utter lack of experience with such a thing paired with their inherent nervousness stymied any attempts. For several interminably long moments they simply looked at one another with slightly sheepish grins, each waiting for someone else to act. Fortunately for all of them Yselda had no intention of wasting the time they had. Sucking in a short, ragged breath she stepped between the two groups that'd inadvertently formed. With all eyes on her she gave them a blushing smile and quickly unfastened the bodice of her elegant gown. Everyone watched with equal delight as loosened her confining dress and everyone sucked in a short breath of their own when it finally crumpled to the earth at her feet. Stepping out of it and removing the small clothes she'd worn underneath the Princess of Cassamere soon stood naked in front of five other people, her body all but glowing in the warm golden light cast from the magical ceiling above. Although three of the people now staring had already seen her in such a vulnerable state it still somehow felt as if she'd never undressed for anyone in her life. A sensation both thrilling and nerve wracking as she slowly licked her lips and looked at each of her soon to be lovers in turn.

Exactly as she'd planned the sight of her slender, freckled body was one none of her companions could passively enjoy for long. Unsurprisingly Avau was the first to act, stripping away the meager clothing she wore and stepping forward to kiss her love with all the mounting passion inside her. They wrapped their arms around one another as soft moans filled the glade and the gentle sounds of passionate kissing filled the air. Leta watched them for a moment or two before peeling away her own clothes and rushing to their side, eager to join in the pleasure they were sharing. She was welcomed with open arms, her Princes immediately kissing her with the fierceness she'd come to love while the Princess to whom she soon become very acquainted knelt down to taste her aching sex. Her whole body tensed as Yselda's warm, skillful tongue slid between her silken folds, brushing past the curly thicket of dark hair resting above her pussy to find the soft, wet treasures below. Tavelle and Emrich quickly undressed as well, their eyes glued to the trio of impossibly beautiful humans before them. The latter approached their group as soon as he was naked, cock in one hand and an eager smile spread across his face. The former likely would've done the same had he not been intercepted by Jaiva. While everyone else was understandably preoccupied with the spectacle before them she'd stripped away her own clothing and hurried towards the first man she'd ever known in a carnal manner.

Her lips pressed against his in a sudden and somewhat clumsy embrace as her nerves quickly got the best of her. Thankfully the half elf she'd chosen as her mate had no trouble taking the lead, his head sliding around her neck to guide her deep into a wonderful kiss. Another slid around her waist to pull her against him while his member slid between her tightly clenched thighs. She couldn't help but moan at the unique and altogether lovely feel of his prick grinding against her pussy. The heat of it alone sent shudders through her body and the near constant throbbing pushed her to the tips of her toes as she nervously recoiled while at the same time basking in it. Nearby Emrich was enjoying much the same experience, albeit with far less hesitation and far more boldness as he moved behind Leta. In an effort to make sure she truly was willing to enjoy every aspect of their little orgy he laid a hand upon her wait and gently rested his shaft against her trembling buttocks. The sudden moan she let out was as much encouragement as he could've asked for but instead of simply leaving it at that she also pushed herself back against him, momentarily denying Yselda access to her pussy in favor of the throbbing green shaft about to slide inside her. With a an eager groan he happily fulfilled her desire, sliding every last inch of his shaft into her amazingly tight sex with a single, gentle push.

Much like her partner Jaiva naturally recoiled from the pleasure of his cock plunging inside her and that instinctive reaction quickly brought her aching clit back to the woman who'd been lavishing it with attention. The man behind her started thrusting at nearly the exact moment the woman beneath her resumed suckling and licking at her bud. The resulting pleasure was nothing short of explosive and the kiss she'd been sharing ended in a wild squeal as she was immediately overcome. Absolutely delighted by the sight of her bride to be kneeling in front of her dear friend while a gorgeous muscular Orc fucked her from behind Avau savored that beautiful image for quite some time. She didn't even mind that none of them were paying attention to her. Simply being present was thrilling enough. And when a familiar yet wonderfully unique moan echoed throughout the clearing soon after she was happy to turn her attention towards her other dear friend in time to see Tavelle's dick slid deep into Leta's pussy with the same gentle temperance Emrich had shown. Her companion was lying flat on her back, both legs wrapped around the half elf inside her while her hands scrambled and clawed at the dirt. Her breasts were heaving with every ragged breath she took and her eyes were already disappearing into the back of her head. More aroused than she'd been in a very, very long time the Princess of Oesre approached the couple, a soft giggle spilling from her lips as she knelt down over her friend's face.

Jaiva was brought back to her immediately surroundings by a long, creamy strand of arousal dripping into her open lips. As soon as she tasted that familiar sweetness her eyes rolled forward and she was met with the all too familiar sight of Avau's cunt rapidly approaching her face. Without missing a beat she slid her arms around her Princess' legs and buried her tongue inside her cunt. Both of them ,moaned in absolute joy but both were cut short. One by the soft, puffy sex pressing down against her lmouth and the other by a second pair of lips pushing against her own as Tavelle joined in the fun. When he slid a hand down between her thighs to rub her clit while Jaiva hungrily tongued her pussy Avau just about lost what little self control she had left. Her hips grinded with a mad ferocity against the woman she was straddling while her tongue dueled with the man across from her as pleasure cascaded through not only her own but all of their bodies. Yselda, Leta, and Emrich fared just as well nearby, all three of them wholly absorbed in their bliss as the Princess tasted both pussy and cock in equal measure, loving every second of it almost as much as the sounds of her bride's pleasure. Knowing how much she was enjoying this surprise, or what had been meant as a surprise at least, was without a doubt one of the most thrilling parts of the whole affair. Especially as their little groups settled deeper into their pleasure and everyone shed what little nerves they had left.

None of them had any idea how long they remained locked in those first positions, their pleasure gradually climbing higher and higher as they enjoyed one another. Nor did they truly notice when they shifted into even more comfortable positions sometime later. It was all such a natural and wonderful part of what they were doing even the transitions seemed to feel natural. Avau didn't think twice about laying down against the dirt while Jaiva lay atop her and Tavelle slowly thrusted in and out of both their cunts with equal measure. Yselda didn't even notice Emrich stretching out across the ground so Leta could ride him while she continued to tongue her pussy like she'd been doing. It was just another in a hopefully long line of experiences they'd all share together. Much like the orgasms that soon washed over several of them as time marched inexorably on and the mounting ecstasy finally reached a tipping point. Although neither of the Princesses shared in the explosion of gratification that followed simply sharing in the moment was more than enough to leave them shuddering and breathless with happiness. Even if that happiness paled in comparison to what their companions felt. Emrich was the first to reach his limit, the tightness of Leta's cunt further amplified by Yselda's ministrations all but sealing his fate. He thrusted with remarkable speed and toe curling force as his end neared and his body spurred him into action. The feverish smack of his balls against her wet cunt naturally sent the Oesren woman in paroxysms of bliss not long after, all the stimulation to her clit bringing her to the very edge long before that. Both of them cried out in mutual pleasure as their climaxes washed over them, thick strans of cum basting her inner walls while messy jets of arousal splashed across the grinning face of the woman between her thighs. They made no attempt to stifle nor hide their bliss and that beautiful lack of restraint was soon shared and mirrored by their nearby companions.

Being held and kissed by one of her dearest friends while a skilled half elf gently treated her to the first of many, many sexual escapades with another man couldn't have been more perfect for Jaiva. Indeed it was exactly what she'd always hoped for and the fruition of that dream more than lived up to the fantasies that'd created it. Burying her face in the crook of Avau's neck and squealing until there wasn't a scrap of air left in her lungs she pushed back against the cock inside her and shivered uncontrollably as pleasure suffused her senses. Restraining himself for fear of spoiling her pleasure or causing undue discomfort Tavelle resisted the urge to thrust with total abandon as his partner tightened around him and little rivulets of her arousal leaked down his thighs. His pace couldn't help but quicken a little though as his body succumbed to the sheer satisfaction bringing another person to the heights of bliss in such an intimate setting. And it wasn't long before his own endurance was drained as the intimacy of the moment took it's toll upon him. He managed to let out a single gasp before cum erupted from his cock to splash across Jaiva's inner walls as well. And much like Leta the feel of his jizz flooding into the depths of her body added yet more ecstasy onto the already toe curling bliss she felt as waves of it crashed down upon her. Both women shuddered and gyrated against the cocks inside them as their eyes rolled back in their head and creamy strands of fresh jizz oozed from their pussies. Everything they could've asked for had come to fruition and the knowledge that they were only just beginning made the entire affair that much sweeter. All told the four of them only spent a few minutes ravished by ecstasy but it seemed infinitely longer in the heat of the moment. And when paired with afterglow as well as their somewhat neglected lover's reactions soon after time lost even more meaning as the pleasure never seemed to end.

“Bring them together!” Avau panted.

“Like this?” Yselda asked.

“On their backs . . . side by side . . .”

“Oh . . . like this?”

“Yes! Perfect!”

Long before they'd stopped trembling Leta and Jaiva were brought to the center of the clearing and laid down side by side, close enough to kiss one another. The two Princesses directly responsible for them being there wasted no time moving between their dripping, cum splattered thighs to lick, kiss, and tongue their gooey cunts with absolute abandon. Neither of them could hold back upon seeing those soft pink slits spread open and oozing with spunk after a good fucking. Yselda buried her face between Jaiva's creamy slit while Avau's mouth reunited with Leta's messy pussy, both of them noisily and enthusiastically sucking out every last drop of semen they could get. All while the women they were feasting upon shuddering and whimpered, their aftershocks making it impossible to react in any other way. Emrich and Tavelle watched the wholly mesmerizing display for as long as they could before their bodies were compelled to join in the fun. Although both had recently climaxed their Elven and Orcish stamina along with the amazing sight unfolding before them demanded they be more than simple observers. The later moved behind his Princess and pushed his sticky cock deep into her pussy with a somewhat rough thrust. His force as well as the surprise she felt upon being stuffed by his dick was very much appreciated by Yselda and she made sure to share that delight with Jaiva. Emrich positioned himself behind Avau and buried his cock in her pussy as well, his thrust arriving far more gently than his companions. The Princess of Oesre squealed in delight as her pussy was stretched once again and a warm, cum slathered shaft glided deep inside her. And much like her bride she happily parlayed that bliss into an ever more passionate assault on Leta's spunk glazed cunt.

Within seconds the wet slap of colliding flesh joined the frantic moans of the two women enjoying some of the best cunnilingus they'd ever known and the absolute cacophony of their uninhibited orgy reached new heights. Of course the increasingly sloppy sounds they made were far from the only things to reach new heights after that messy prelude. Any hesitation or uncertainty they might've had about such a bold experience had faded entirely, leaving only the unbridled passion and genuine desire to explore that Yselda had hoped for. Lacking some of the more complex and magical implements she'd been told about they couldn't truly go wild beyond reason but even without their aid the six of them had little trouble pleasuring one another over and over again during the several hours they spent hidden away in their own private heaven. If it could be enjoyed with two men and four women then it was enjoyed, often several times. Like when both Jaiva and Leta were shown the absolutely joys of having their assholes and pussies stuffed full of cock simultaneously. Neither had ever experienced the pleasure and both were thoroughly addicted to it once Emrich and Tavelle had slid inside them. They couldn't even begin to describe how full they felt as their holes were fucked raw for minutes on end by a pair of fantastically skilled lover. Although the Jaiva was still a touch too inexperienced to let them utterly destroy her Leta had no such compunctions and by the time both men were done her cute little ring and tight little pussy were gaped deliciously wide. And since both men had stopped after her second orgasm in a handful of minutes they were still more than able to split Jaiva open the same way the'd split open her friend. While Yselda and Avau enjoyed their near comatose lover's gaped, winking holes  like it was the most sumptuous treat in the world. Often times they lost themselves in kissing and adoring one another but never for long enough to leave the slack jawed woman they were teasing without the pleasure she deserved.

In the wake of that incredible experience the two Princess couldn't help but share in the exact same delight, although they were perhaps even luckier as their mouths were occupied by the still deliciously widened cunts and assholes of the women that'd gone before them. In exactly the way they'd wanted the two were smothered by their lovers and left almost no breathing room at all as they ravished for what must have been days on end. Both were rewarded with perhaps the greatest gift they could've asked for: bellies full of fresh Orcish and Elven spunk as both men drained their apparently limitless balls inside them before pulling out. Being pumped full of jizz was nothing short of orgasmic for both of them but it wasn't until they felt their lover's mouths against the stretched, puffy ruins that used to be their tight holes that both women actually succumbed to that pleasure. The way Leta and Jaiva went wild on their cum filled and wonderfully slack assholes and cunts was nothing short of inspired. No force in the world short of the Gods themselves could've stopped the pair from erupting into trembling fits of ecstasy. The sheer, unbridled joy of it all truly couldn't be explained in words and thankfully none of them were even capable of trying. All four women's voices had long ago turned hoarse and raspy from the screams constantly erupting from their throats and although they'd done an admirable job of keeping up with their ravenous loves the two men were growing more and more exhausted with every explosive climax they delivered to their seemingly insatiable partners. But even when they needed a moment to recuperate their amorous lovers were more than happy to play with one another in as tantalizing a manner as possible. Both to coax their understandably tired partners back into the fun and to to show off to one another in a lewd display of debauchery.

It was thanks to one of those moments of performative passion that Leta found herself squirting all over one of Yselda's comparatively small fists, her pussy tightening so hard around it the Princess was half worried she'd break her fingers. Thankfully no such even occurred and at her bride's insistence she even pushed her tightly clenched knuckles deeper into the sopping wet, amazingly tight cunt she was fucking. Deep enough for her taut belly to distend and the rest of her body to thrash against the ground as she was overcome by the ecstasy of it all. And of course after witnessing such a beautiful sight Avau couldn't help but partake it in as well, all but begging Jaiva and her love to give her the same treatment while their fourth member shivered nearby. They were more than happy to oblige and soon after Yselda finally caught a glimpse of how truly perverted her future Queen was. With almost no trouble at all she managed to bury her entire forearm inside the Princess of Oesre's asshole, inch after inch disappearing inside her like it was nothing while she squealed in ecstasy. The fact that Jaiva was able to push much of her own, far more muscular, arm into her cunt at the same time was truly mind boggling. For all the Cassamerens in attendance. They barely knew how to react as they witnessed what felt like a miracle, their jaws just about hitting the dirt as Avau doused her lovers in a torrent of warm fluids while grunting and gyrating like a crazed animal. Emrich and Tavelle were all but forced to rejoin the fun after witnessing such an amazing spectacle, their madly throbbing cocks practically leading them back to the four women. They were welcomed back with open, if a touch weary, arms, and the debauchery continued for a while longer.

Sadly none of them could last forever, no matter how much they might've wanted to, and eventually their mortal limitations saw them falling away from the pleasure one by one. Jaiva was the first to sink down into near unconsciousness after another bout of having her asshole and pussy ravished by the two well endowed men. Feeling their cum flooding into her holes alongside the ecstasy setting her body alight was simply too much. When they finally pulled out she collapsed against the earth in a state of pure euphoria, a wide grin plastered on face as she lay there twitching and shivering, her asshole and cunt gaped wide like two yawning chasms. Fittingly both Emrich and Tavelle weren't far behind her as their waning libidos struggled to keep up. The two of them managed one more climax each before losing their will to do anything but lay flat against the earth and gasp. Yselda's eager throat was where the orc emptied his last climax, thick rivulets of spunk cascading into her belly while she sucked  him so fiercely her cheeks inverted. Leta's gooey pussy was the last place the Half Elf sprayed his seed before the sweet embrace of sleep took him, her greedy cunt swallowing up every last drop he could give and milking his shaft dry until it was downright impossible for him to remain inside her for another second. Having her slit cleaned of the cum that'd just been emptied into it proved to be her downfall. Avau's utterly voracious appetite for both semen and pussy sending her right over the edge, and not for the first time. Which only left the two Princesses to enjoy one another's bodies. But as much as they loved being the last ones standing, or kneeling as it were, their own exhaustion coupled with the immense satisfaction of what they'd done that day eventually laid them low as well. Although it took a bit longer than either of them expected.

“That was . . . I can't even describe it . . .” Yselda panted as she lay beside her love.

“I know . . . I love you so much . . .” Avau replied, rolling on her side to look at her bride.

“I love you too . . . I love all of you!” Her voice was a little louder as she addressed the rest of their near dead companions.

A chorus of mumbling affirmations of love filled the air soon after and both Princesses laughed, “What should we . . . tell your nobles? When they ask . . . where we've been?”

“Who cares? I don't want to think about them right now . . .”

“That's fair . . . we'll come up with something before we return . . .”

“Indeed . . . until then . . . kiss me . . .”

“I can do that . . .”


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