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Now this story is a bit of an odd duck. Mostly because of how I chose to write it. Suffice to say if you're not a fan of crossdressing femboys taking it up the ass this will not be the story for you lol. If that's something you like then please read on and hopefully enjoy!

“We're here!” Bernice exclaimed as she parked the car and looked at her boyfriend with an ear to ear grin.

Pulling off the blindfold he'd been wearing for the better part of an hour Taylor wasted no time figuring out where exactly 'here' was. “A forest?” He said with open confusion, “This is the surprise? Haven't we been here before?”

“Yes we have. But where we are isn't the surprise. This is!”

As she spoke she reached into the backseat to produce a pair of carefully made, replica hand crossbows to serve as yet another teasing clue. He took them from her and stared down at the very realistic looking but utterly mystifying weapons, “Okay . . . I still don't get it . . .”

“They're part of the cosplay you're gonna be doing!”

“Yeah I kind of assumed that,” Taylor laughed, “But I don't know what that cosplay is or why we had to drive all the way out here for me to do it.”

“Well . . .” Bernice looked at her man with a mischievous grien and a characteristic gleam in her eyes, “Maybe it would help if I said this: they're part of the cosplaying you're gonna be doing . . . with a friend of mine . . .”

Immediately intrigued by this mysterious third person he looked at her with a grin, “That's a little more clear . . . but you still haven't told me what my cosplay is. Or who your friend is dressing up as.”

“I know. You'll see when he arrives. As for your cosplay . . . well . . . why don't you put it on first and then we'll talk?”

A few minutes later the two of them were deep in the forest, a good ways off the normal hiking trail, eagerly awaiting their guest's arrival. Since she was playing the part of camerawoman during this particular shoot Bernice was dressed in a comfy pair of shorts, boots, and a breathable top. She'd tied her hair back in a simply ponytail and altogether looked like any number of hikers normally found in the area. Her boyfriend on the other hand couldn't have stood out more if he tried, although anyone and everyone who'd seen him definitely didn't realize he was a he at all. Because in what had become a bit of a trend by that point he was dressed as another cute, unassumingly feminine character from a video game both of them had played extensively. This time around it was a little more obcsure though no less of a turn on for his constantly aroused partner as he stood dressed from head to toe as Linkle from Hyrule Warriors. Every slightest detail that could be accounted for had been, right down to the blonde braids, cute innocent face, and leg baring miniskirt. Taylor was of course torn between excitement and embarrassment as he stood there dressed like a woman and trying his best to hide the bulge straining against the incredibly soft panties cradling his cock and balls. He'd never felt more exposed despite how isolated they were from other people who might see him and that feeling was as exhilarating as it was mortifying. As often as possible he stood with his plump, pale thighs pressed together tight in an attempt to hide his own arousal.

He clutched the hand crossbows that served as props for the shoot tight and often looked around the forest with a nervous yet flushed expression Bernice couldn't get enough of. Although ehe resisted the urge to tease him or do anything lascivious, either to herself or to her sexy boyfriend she did encourage him to strike various poses and snap a variety of pictures to memorialize the event. All of them were fairly unassuming compared to what she wanted to do but no less stylish or eye catching in spite of that. But even if they'd all been completely worthless it was an easy way to both pass the time and ease her man's nerves until their guest arrived. Which he did after a considerable amount of time. Long enough for the early morning sun that'd bathed the forest in soft light to reach it's peak and cast a myriad of golden beams straight down through the canopy. Like her boyfriend he'd taken the time to put on his cosplay before arriving but unlike her boyfriend he was a far cry from feminine or girly. In all fairness it was difficult to be girly when dressed as Ganondorf, the version from Hyrule Warriors, and exuding an aura of confidence and control with every step. Bernice greeted him with a delighted wave, an excited shiver running up her body the moment she saw how strong and handsome he looked dressed as the main villain of the Zelda series. When she glanced back at Taylor she noticed the flush in his cheeks had darkened and his eyes had widened ever so slightly and it took all of her self control to stay cool.

“Thank you so much for coming out!” She exclaimed as he reached them in the little clearing they were standing within, “You look amazing!”

“Thank you.” He rumbled, his voice so deep and low it made Taylor's stomach do a flip and his heart skip a beat, “I would've gotten here sooner but getting all this on was a major chore. Just the face paint took up most of the time.”

“Well it looks fucking incredible! You're a perfect match for Ganondorf! Isn't he babe?”

“Yeah . . .” Taylor agreed, his voice light and airy and instinctively girlish as he spoke.

Ganondorf smiled at the two of them, his eyes lingering for just a little bit longer on the slender, girly vision of cuteness he was shooting with, “Thanks. That's really nice to hear. I spent a lot of time on this cosplay!”

“Well it shows!” Bernice approached him to genuinely admire his work for a moment. When she turned back to her companion she flashed him a coy little wink. “What d'you think of my handiwork? She looks just like Linkle doesn't?”

“It's as amazing as ever!” He said with an appreciative laugh, “You look incredible!” He added as he looked directly at Linkle.

“Thank you.” She replied in a very tremulous voice.

“Is everything all right?”

“She's just nervous.” Bernice clarified, “She hasn't done many shoots like this and I don't think she expected you to look so good.

“All right.” Ganondorf chuckled. “Well you don't have to worry. I've done a hundred of these shoots by now and they're easy as hell. Plus we've got the rest of the day to get it right.”

“That makes sense.” Linkle replied with her best attempt at a confident smile. 'S-Should we get started now?”

“I'm ready if you are.”

“I-I'm ready.”

“Then let's get going!” Bernice gasped, eager holding up her camera and grinning at the two of them, “Let's start off with some simple poses and build into the action shots!”

Both of her subjects nodded and soon enough the shoot was underway. And for the better part of two hours it was nearly indistinguishable from a normal cosplay shoot. Linkle remained visibly flushed and clearly nervous at times but much of that slipped away as she grew accustomed to working with her massive companion and his good natured charm. Although her trepidation never completely vanished no matter how long she had to adjust to her costume and the handsomeness of her 'foe'. Thankfully it was easy enough to mask what little nerves remained as they slowly but surely transitioned from a variety of striking poses and dynamic stances into slightly more interactive scenes featuring the two of them fighting one another. Or rather looking as if they were fighting one another while Bernice took dozens of pictures in quick succession. When he was brandishing the two massive great swords that were part of his cosplay and she was aiming her vastly smaller crossbows at him the fun of the moment was almost enough to make her forget about her shamefully erect cock hidden beneath her skirt and panties. Almost. Unfortunately any time she started losing herself in the action they were recording her girlfriend knelt down to capture a particularly action packed angle and the none too subtle smile spread across her face when she lowered the camera brought reality back in force.

Linkle's embarrassment did not go unnoticed by Ganondorf either, although he didn't know the exact cause of it he could all but see her nervousness plastered on her face. Or radiating outwards from her body whenever she managed to hide her blush a little better. He did his best to assuage whatever fears she had whenever the two of them had any sort of down time between shots. Like when they were getting into position or discussing what to do next. He had no way of knowing if his efforts were helping at all but the more he talked to and with her and the more he noticed how cute she looked when her cheeks where red and her eyes were downcast the harder it was for him to focus on anything else. Particularly during one part of their shoot when he was supposed to be chasing her through the woods and she was paused in the middle of a climb over a falling log. Looking up at her at seeing the surprisingly plump bubble butt she was hiding beneath her skirt was quite an exhilarating experience. Though he couldn't see her panties he had no trouble glimpsing her fantastically cute ass. It wasn't long before Linkle wasn't the only one concealing a bulge beneath her cosplay, though in Ganondorf's case there was little chance of him fully hiding his arousal. In part because of his outfit and in part thanks to the sheer size of his cock as it swelled and strained against the fabric. Bernice noticed his arousal immediately and none too subtly bit her lower lip the moment she did but her boyfriend remained comically unaware. He was too focused on himself to spot the reaction he'd caused. At least until a little after the two hour mark.

The tipping point came after the three of them had taken a break to drink some water and chat about a few more ideas before getting started. Just as they were deciding everything Bernice coyly suggested they go back to some posing for a little while. “I thought we were done with that?” Linkle asked.

“I came up with a few good ones I wanna get while the lighting is still good. Don't worry, they won't take very long!”

“I'm down for whatever.” Ganondorf said with a laugh, “Just tell me where to stand, what to do, and how long to do it!”

“Perfect! Let's start with something simple . . .”

She made no attempt at all to hid her lascivious smile as she waved her two companions into a few stereotypical movie poster shots. Neither of them really understood why she was having them stand in such an uncharacteristic, for the characters they were portraying at least, way but they had no trouble doing as they were asked. Particularly as the first few poses afforded them a chance to act a little more goofy and over the top as they hefted their weapons and put on comically serious expressions. But after running through a few of the more banal and unassuming stances Bernice subtly guided them into ones that brought the pair a lot closer than anything they'd done so far. She deliberately controlled her baser impulses and made the shift as gradual as could be but Linkle, perhaps because of how nervous she was standing beside the handsome, sculpted Ganondorf, still noticed how close her body was getting to his as they continued to pose. Not long after she noticed the nature of the poses they were striking had changed almost without her realizing it. They'd gone from fairly over the top action movie scenes to stuff far more in line with other genres entirely. Other genres where the two people on the cover stood close enough to brush against one another. Close enough to smell one another. And the first time she caught a whiff of his manly scent Linkle very nearly broke character and admitted she was really a guy dressed as a girl in some desperate bid to prevent herself from getting too worked up.

Thankfully she didn't have the wherewithal to say anything and the shoot continued in spite of her nerves. Around the time she felt him looming over her and heard what sounded like him smelling her own, distinctly not masculine scent she nearly broke down again. But as much as she wanted to put an end to whatever her girlfriend was planning she wanted to see where it was going even more. Bernice was a wonderful partner in so many ways but one of her most amazing qualities was just how open and understanding she was of any sexual desires shared with her. Sometimes she was even able to predict what her lover wanted before it was even said aloud and the longer the second part of their shoot went on the more likely that little quirk seemed. Of course Linkle didn't have nearly as long as she'd like to think about or examine any of that. Instead she quickly found her thoughts being interrupted in the most heart stopping, stomach turning, knee buckling way imaginable. As Ganondorf loomed above her so close there was barely an inch of space between his chest and her back she moved to slide her crossbows into the holsters at the top of her boots. After they were secured she pulled her hand away and accidentally brushed it against the massive, throbbing bulge that'd been sitting so remarkably close to her ass. She sucked in a sharp breath as her whole body tensed while he noticeably stiffened. Bernice watched them both with a wild eyed grin.

“Is something wrong?” She asked.


“All good!”

Linkle pointedly looked anywhere but at the man behind her, a brilliant flush spreading across her whole face even as her cock strained and throbbed against the confines of the sodden panties keeping it under control. A barely contained shiver worked it's way down her spine as she stood there in an awkward semblance of the pose she was supposed to be striking. Although her hand had reflexively pulled away from Ganondorf's cock it hadn't moved all that far after the initial shock. He quickly noticed how close her clenched fist actually was and the smile already spread across his face widened even more. He cast a quick glance at Bernice and she responded with a wordless grin. Once he was certain she didn't have any objects her friend quietly rested a frankly massive hand on Linkle's shoulder. She tensed at his touch but didn't shy away. Emboldened by that fact he laid another giant hand on her other shoulder. A timid little gasp erupted from her lips and she naturally looked at her girlfriend with a questioning stare. The only answer she got was a lascivious and altogether inscrutable look. Every inch of her girlish face was shining a bright red and her eyes were as wide and round as they could be as she stood bolt upright with an adorably uncertain look on her face. His presence loomed over her and his touch sent goosebumps erupting across her body even through the multiple layers of cloth covering her torso. The urge to pull away was growing stronger with every frantic beat of her heart and yet she remained rooted in place, unable to move.

Why didn't she put a stop to whatever was going on? Why didn't she explain who she really was and end his amorous desires. Why did she want to do any of that in the first place? Between her racing heart and achingly hard cock it was abundantly clear some part of her enjoyed the attention. She'd been attracted to him pretty much the moment he arrived. And it wasn't like Bernice was objecting. If anything this was all part of some plan to broaden her horizons and let her indulge in the many, many fantasies she'd shared during their time together. And once that thought had occurred to her it was difficult not feel a rush of excitement alongside the nervous uncertainty flooding her senses. She'd always wanted to be with a man. To get on her knees and worship a big, throbbing cock. Why not now? Nobody else was around? Her girlfriend was watching. The man behind her was clearly willing to go? What was stopping her except a little bout of nervousness? In truth the answer was nothing but that didn't stop her from hesitating all the same as she stood there torn between what she wanted and what she was capable of for what seemed like hours on end. Fortunately in reality it was only a few seconds at most before Ganondorf, at the not so sublte urging of the camerawoman watching, took matters into his own hands. First by squeezing Linkle's shoulders just hard enough to elicit a gasp, then by gently pushing his bulge against her tightly clenched fist with a gentle yet decisive thrust.

His genuinely impressive cock brushed against the side and back of her fist and even through his clothes are armor Linkle could feel the thickness and the girth of it so ridiculously clear. She tensed up once more, her knees buckling ever so slightly while her own cock swelled beneath her panties and even more precum smeared across the fabric. Her heart quite literally skipped a beat and her eyes ever so slightly glazed over as her mind focused entirely on the feel of his dick against her gloved hand. Yet even while she reveled in the feel of him her body still pulled away as much as it was able, purely on instinct. And for another few seconds she held herself apart from him, her unfocused stare looking off into the distance while her mouth hung open in a silent moan. Bernice eagerly snapped a few pictures of her love's reaction and delighted in how over the top it was after such a small interaction. Then again, she had deliberately avoided doing anything sexual for a little over a week after the two of them fucking like rabbits almost every single day for months on end before that. If she actually thought about it for a second it made perfect sense. In much the same way as her own rampant arousal and aching need to satisfy her neglected and inflamed libido. But unlike the crossdressing slight she was eagerly snapping pictures of she could control herself. At least long enough to document every last facet of what was happening and would hopefully happen.

That self control paid off almost immediately when she pulled the focus back from Linkle's dumbstruck face just in time to see her slowly let her hand drift backwards to brush against the cock with a bit more firmness than before. Ganondorf immediately let out a quiet groan while Bernice shivered in abject delight. He pushed his bulge a little harder against her still clenched fingers and she responded by slowly uncurling them against him. For a moment or two she only allowed the back of her hand to feel his swelling manhood, her nerves and inexperience keeping her from doing anything more. But when her companion pressed his broad, muscular chest against her back and let one of his hands slide down across her chest to grope at her nonexistent tits she couldn't help but slowly turn her hand around. Linkle's girly moan filled the otherwise silent clearing as she timidly held his impressive bulge in her hand, the sheer size of his cock filling up her nervous grip and then some. His breath was hot against the hood still covering her head as he exhaled in satisfaction while fondling her flat breasts. His fingers effortlessly found her nipples and started pinching them with an incredible amount of skill. So much that she couldn't help but moan loud enough for all three of them to hear, her fingers instinctively tightening around the bulge she was fondling. His cock swelled even more against her touch and the feel ot it, of her first ever dick, was utterly intoxicating. So much so she barely even registered the words coming out of his mouth soon after.

“How about we make this shoot a little more adult oriented?” He said, speaking as much to the 'girl' he was fondling and being fondled by as the woman recording them.

“That sounds perfect!” Bernice gasped.

“What about you Linkle?” Ganondorf asked, his fingers teasing her nipple as he bent down to whisper directly into her ear, “You wanna get x-rated?”

Looking at her girlfriend for a moment she slowly nodded and meekly said with the faintest of smiles on her crimson face, “Y-Yes!”

“Hell yeah . . . it's been a while since I fucked a hot little cosplay slut like you . . .”

“Sounds like you should change that!” Bernice remarked as she moved in closer and snapped a series of rapid fire pictures, “Why don't you slide a hand under her skirt and see how wet she is?”

“You read my mind . . .”

Linkle moaned as the hand teasing her sensitive nipples remained exactly where it belonged while the other glided across her body and down between her tightly clenched thighs. It was only when she felt her skirt lifting up her creamy legs that she remembered what Ganondorf was going to find hidden inside her panties, “W-Wait! I-It's not what you think—”

Her words arrived too late to stop what was happening and Ganondorf's large, calloused hand reached beneath her skirt undaunted by that seemingly dire warning. His lascivious grin immediately fell away to be replaced with a surprised, almost dumbfounded look as his hand cupped not the wet pussy he'd been expected but rather a smallish cock and modestly sized balls slick with precum, “Oh shit . . .” He remarked.

“I-I'm sorry!” She whimpered, trying to extricate herself from his arms. “I tried to tell you but you were too eager and I couldn't get the words out!”

She attempted to wriggle free of him and step away only to find his grip on her body tightening, his fingers none too subtly groping her cutely tucked away loins while still teasing her nipples and pressing his own bulge against her now limp hand, “So you're actually a guy huh?”


“Heh . . . that's kind of hot . . . I've never fucked a femme guy dressed like a girl before . . .”

“Why don't we change that?” Bernice asked, “I'm sure Linkle wouldn't mind? Would you?”

Looking from her girlfriend to the muscular hunk still pawing at her body despite learning the truth about who she was Linkle couldn't believe what was happening. “Y-You still want to . . . w-with me . . . even though I-I'm—”

“Hell yeah.” Ganondorf interrupted, “If anything I want you more now!”

“Oh . . .” She blushed a deep, furious shade of red and looked down at the ground for several moments before quietly replying, “O-Okay . . . let's d-do it . . .”

Bernice audibly moaned upon hearing those words from her boyfriend's lips. Ganondorf let out a soft laugh and teased her body a little more. Linkle whimpered with a mixture of excitement and nerves as she gently but firmly pushed away the strong arms wrapped around her body. For a moment it seemed like she was immediately retracting her statement, like she'd instantly lost her nerve upon hearing the reactions of the two other people she was sharing the moment with. But then she turned to face the first man she'd ever done anything sexual with and dropped to her knees with a quick little gasp. Her girlfriend moaned yet again and stepped closer as she set the camera to record. As soon as she was in the ideal angle to capture every perverted thing about to take place she pulled her left hand away from the camera and slid it down into the front of her shorts. Despite wanting to make sure she had the best possible footage of her boyfriends first time sucking cock she was too horny to stand there doing nothing while it happened. Especially when Linkle glanced at her right after she got into position and she saw the pleasure etched onto her hooded face. That arousal was quickly overshadowed, though not at all erased, by surprise when Ganondorf tugged his pants down to reveal his amazingly thick, amazingly long cock. Easily twice as big as her own and at least twice as thick it was a monster of a dick and the sheer size of his balls only made it seem bigger. She actually recoiled a little upon seeing such a monster of a prick up close and the musky scent that clogged her nostrils and filled the air soon after only made her recoil further. Of course as soon as it all began to sink in a bit more she moved in to touch and taste and experience the dick being offered to her.

But not before removing her gloves so she could feel it with her own fingers. Bernice's fingers moved in a blur across her clit and the rest of her pussy as she watched the love of her life slowly reach out and wrap all ten nervous fingers around the fattest dick either of them had ever seen. It felt every bit as thick and heave as it looked and the heat radiating off it was simply incredible. She was immediately and completely enamored with the feeling, her whole body shuddering from the simple act of touching him. Ganondorf moaned in delight the second she touched him and his hands wasted no time jumping to her head. He pushed back to hood she'd been wearing and grabbed hold of the wig still clinging to her scalp. Linkle shivered as she felt his touch and slowly lifted his shaft up towards her mouth. Her tongue emerged as her lips parted and another gasp tumbled out, her breath buffeting his length. As if in response a thick globule of precum beaded on the tip and in spite of how nervous she was about everything she was doing she still managed to lean forward and lick it off his pulsing head. Both the man she was pleasuring and the woman who'd organized it all moaned in delight and her own pleasured sounds weren't far behind. The taste and thickness and texture of his seed was like nothing she'd ever experienced. It made her head spin even more than the musky aroma of his loings and it made her whole body ache in a way she'd never felt before. In a way that seemed so much unlike the arousal she'd experienced with her girlfriend it was a night and day different. Before she could even think twice about what she was doing her mouth had closed around the rapidly throbbing tip of his shaft and her tongue was swirling across the precum dripping opening as quickly as her nervous body could or would allow.

For a few moment she stared up at the man she was pleasuring, her eyes watching his handsome face as she nervously teased his cock to the best of her ability. But as handsome as he was her gaze invariably drifted towards her girlfriend as she stood beside them eagerly rubbing her pussy and recording every last second of what was going on. Gratitude, pleasure, and arousal lit up her face in equal measure while she pushed herself further onto the cock already filling most of her mouth little by little. Being able to see how much the love of her life enjoyed watching her go down on a man really amplified the pleasure she was already feeling in a way she wasn't even fully aware of. It was certainly the reason she felt all but compelled to slide the entirety of Ganondorf's massive cock head into her mouth after only a few seconds, despite it filling her up completely and stretching open her lips almost to the point of actual discomfort. And it was certainly why she felt enough courage to let a hand fall away from his thick shaft to find and cradle his balls instead. In a way she was almost performing for her girlfriend as much as she was experiencing the pleasure of a longtime fantasy. Although it was impossible to know which held more sway over her as she started stroking his cock with shaky, nervous motions after the tip came to rest against the back of her throat. Knowing full well her gag reflex wouldn't let her take much more than she had but not wanting to deny him the pleasure he was likely expecting she did her best to stimulate his tip while clumsily sliding her hands along the rest of his shaft.

Her cheeks inverted as she sucked on him with all her might and her tongue moved in a haphazard but passionate frenzy as it scooped up the precum available to her. She also massaged and groped his balls to the best of her ability, though doing so was very much a lesser priority compared to everything else. Guided by the many pornographic videos she'd seen over the years and emboldened by her girlfriend's presence she worked his cock with an adorably awkward charm for what felt like ages, the soft slurping and wet gasping of her ministrations filling their little corner of the world. And in spite of how vigorously she was rubbing her pussy Bernice managed to capture every second of it with remarkable clarity, even zooming in a few times to catch the spti drooling down her boyfriend's chin or the heady look of arousal in her love's eyes. Once or twice she even glanced up at Ganondorf's face to catch him moaning in utter delight, the hungry smile spread across his features proving to be quite a turn on when paired with the slutty look on her partner's. After a minute or two she even stepped closer and knelt down next to them so she could get as close and intimate as humanly possible, her uncontrollable horniness all but demanding she do so. Since she couldn't actually participate in any of the ways she might've wanted to without spoiling the moment for both of them. For the time being she'd have to be content with simply watching and knowing how much the love of her life was enjoying it.

Fortunately for all of them the pleasure on Link;e's face was as clear as the nervousness and while the latter never quite went away the former certainly increased as her lips stayed wrapped around Ganondorf s throbbing cock. The sheer amount of precum she was drinking down would've been enough to make her squirm and moan by itself but feeling his massive hands wrapped around her head, subtly guiding and controlling her on top of everything else made it so much better. Even if she'd wanted to take it slow and build up to the sort of gurgling, ball slapping frenzy she'd seen so many other women engage in, including her girlfriend, her body simply wouldn't allow for that. One hand glided up and down his throbbing length with greater and greater speed entirely independent of her thoughts while the other played with and reveled in the size of his balls like they were the most wonderful thing in the world. Shivers were constantly running through her body and she couldn't remember the last time her cock had been so hard. It was almost painful at times but the utter lack of stimulation to it as she focused on him was strangely erotic. Although she'd never engaged much with any sort of orgasm denial or chastity she was starting to see the merits as she deliberately kept herself away from her aching loins. Every second she didn't wrap her fingers around her dick and frantically stroke away until she came all over the forest floor was another second spent compensating by lavishing Ganondorf's prick with whatever her mouth could accomplish.

Sometimes that meant sucking on his tip with all her might and slurping up his precum. Other times it meant pulling back to lick and kiss all the parts of his shaft she'd never be able to fit in her throat. At least not without months of training and a dedication she was seriously considering. Thankfully if the handsome, muscular guy she was slobbering over had any qualms with this arrangement he wasn't voicing them aloud. In fact the only thing he'd 'said' in a good while was some sort of groaning curse words, usually unleashed right after Linkle switched to some other aspect of pleasing him. The biggest and loudest grunt her actions caused was right after she lifted his cock over her face and let it slap down across her flushed skin with an echoing smack. She'd seen it done in so many different porn scenes over the years and while part of her had always wondered what it felt like to be the man in that situation an equally large part had always wondered why it felt like to be the woman. She was not disappointed one bit by the discovery as she licked and kiss the base of his cock and his balls while his fat dick lay draped across her entire face. Covering one eye and stretching across her forehead it's constant, ferocious throbbing sent chills through her body while the precum oozing onto her skin and into her hair made her feel like even more of a slut than sucking what amounted to a stranger's cock in the middle of the woods. And as luck would have it she was given another chance to feel like the whore she was a short while later when she lifted his cock from her face to stroke it with both hands while awkwardly yet passionately licking and kissing the tip.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh fuck!” Ganondorf sighed. “You keep that up and I'm gonna cum soon!”

Although excited by the prospect and very much eager to know what cum tasted and felt like Linkle still faltered a little upon hearing she was about to learn. Her eyes widened and her fingers squeezed his cock a little harder while at the same time slowing considerably as she nevously asked, “W-Where do y-you wanna c-cum?”

Bernice moaned for the hundredth time and looked from her boyfriend to the man her lover was about to earn his first cumshot from. Ganondorf looked down at the little slut kneeling in front of him and offered a wide smile, “How I about I paint that cute little face of yours?”

“O-Okay , , ,”

She started stroking his cock and kissing his tip once more only to be stopped after a few seconds when Ganondorf brushed her hands away to do it himself. For a split second Linkle felt a rush of shame and humiliation as she immediately assumed he was taking over because she'd done such an inept job. Her embarrassment was quickly assuaged when he trailed his other hand across her face and tilted her head back a little more while saying, “Open your mouth slut . . .”

Realizing exactly why he'd taken control and thoroughly glad he did she followed his command and, after a second or two, cupped her hands beneath her chin to make sure nothing went to waste. The sight of her doing so sent a visible shiver down both her companion's spine, Ganondorf audibly groaning as he jerked off like it was the last time he'd ever have the pleasure while Bernice rubbed her clit with somehow even greater intensity. Linkle's already brilliant crimson cheeks darkened even further as she knelt there waiting with tongue out for her reward. Everything about kneeling there looking up at giant, throbbing cock being stroked made her feel like the biggest, most unapologetic whore on the planet and she was amazed by how good that feeling was. Of course it was almost comically overshadowed by the actual pleasure of getting splattered with jizz like she'd quietly fantasized about for ages. But that didn't happen for another minute or two as the man she'd been pleasuring worked his cock with an impressive and at times startling ferocity. His muscles bulged and his every breath arrived in labored gasps as he stared down at her with an intensity that made her heart flutter. When she felt his hand slide across her cheek and grab a fistful of her blonde wig she knew he was about to blow his load. A split second later she got to watch from a point of view she'd always envied as the head of his prick swelled and his whole body tightened.

A thick, creamy jet of spunk erupted from his cock faster than she could react, splashing across her skin and making her flinch well after it'd glazed her. Both she and Bernice gasped as their respective fantasies were instantly fulfilled but neither had much time to revel in that fact as Ganondorf naturally delivered another streak of jizz a heartbeat later. It streaked across Linkle's face to drench her forehead and ooze across her nose in a thick, pungent stream. Although she didn't want to she closed her eyes before the next load arrived, fearful of ruining the pleasure of the moment with any sort of discomfort. Her instincts were apparently spot on because within a second of her eyelids shutting both were coated in a gorgeously thick layer of semen. A shuddering moan tumbled out of her mouth as soon as she felt his cum seeping over her shut eyes and she was rewarded with another gooey eruption across her outstretched tongue. This time Bernice's moan overshadowed her own despite how utterly incredible it felt to actually taste another man's spunk. It didn't matter that it was bitter and salty and altogether less than pleasant. The fulfillment of a fantasy and the joy of sharing that with the love of her life made everything an amazing experience. So much so she actually lost herself in the pleasure of sucking down the cum she'd been given, swirling it around in her mouth and eventually drinking it up while the rest of her face was painted in enough jizz to leave her dripping and coated. Indeed by the time he was finished Ganondorf had done more work than three men. Little did his slut of a cosplay partner realize he still wasn't done.

“Now what do you say?” Bernice panted as she zoomed in on her partner's cum splattered face.

“Thank you!” Linkle gasped as she finished swallowing the cum inside her mouth and opened her lips in a sudden burst of excitement, “Thank you!”

“You're welcome cutie . . . but we ain't finished yet!”


Opening her eyes as best she could and squinting up at the man still towering over her Linkle didn't understand what he meant until she saw his cock. Still impossibly hard even after delivering an amazing amount of jizz it was abundantly clear he intended to make full use of his second wind, but not in the way she might've assumed. “You didn't think I was gonna stop at a blowjob did you?”

“K-Kind of yeah . . .”

“Well it's a good thing I've got a little more imagination that that!” Ganondorf laughed. Bending down he took her by the hand and pulled her to her feet. For a moment it looked like he was gonna kiss her but instead he suddenly spun her around and gave her round ass a good smack. “There's no way in hell I'm leaving until I get a chance at this tight little ass!”

Linkle moaned in surprise and looked at Bernice, watching in confusion as her girlfriend stepped in front of her still holding the camera, “Y-You mean . . .”

“He's gonna fuck your slutty little asshole!” She moaned, “You always said you wondered what it felt like to have a real dick shoved balls deep inside you . . . now you're gonna find out baby!”

While she was busy staring aghast at her girlfriend Ganondorf lifted up Linkle's skirt and yanked down her panties in two quick motions. He let out an appreciative chuckle upon seeing her lily white bubble butt and gave it another firm smack. She gasped as the sudden pain tinged pleasure and straightened, the prospect of actually taking a cock up the ass proving far more intimidating than she thought. Or perhaps it was the prospect of taking his cock up her ass that was frightening her. Because when she reflexively glanced back at him and saw just how enormous his prick looked as it moved it towards her virgin hole she couldn't help but blanch at the prospect. She immediately glanced at her girlfriend for some sort of reassurance but before their eyes could meet Bernice was kissing her. It was the sort of deep, tender embrace she desperately needed at that moment and the added eroticism of kissing her girlfriend with a face covered in jizz and a cock rapidly nearing her asshole did not go unappreciated by either of them. Even if the warmth and reassurance was what she focused on the most. Their lips broke apart just as Ganondorf's tip pushed against her quivering little ring and Linkle couldn't help but gasp at the sensation. Her own cock leapt out from between her tightly clenched thighs to throb and twitch in the cool air and goosebumps erupted across every inch of her pale skin. One of his large, oddly reassuring hands closed around her waist and she braced herself for whatever came next.

Although she'd never taken anything as big as him some of the toys she'd used were at least comparable in girth if not thickness. But as she quickly learned there was a world of difference between a real life cock and a silicon imitation. The moment he started thrusting she let out a breathy moan and it stretched on until there was no air left in her lungs. Her body tried to resist the mounting pleasure of the cock pushing against her hole but it couldn't hold out for long and after a second or two he slipped inside with a soft squish. And just about everything she knew about pleasure changed as Ganondorf gently but firmly pushed every last inch of his prick inside her in a single movement. Linkle cried out her girlfriend's name in some wildly desperate attempt to communicate how much she enjoyed the simple act of being penetrated by an actual cock. Thankfully her love understood even if what was actually said made little actual sense, Bernice could see the joy coursing through her lover as surely as she could see the spunk dripping from her face. And to her absolute delight that pleasure only continued to climb higher after the man behind her bottomed out and none too subtly widened his stance. He gently pushed her down until she was bent over at an almost ninety degree angle and took hold of her wrists, exactly as he'd been told to do. Linkle squealed in delight as her legs pressed together and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. She managed to give one last look at her girlfriend and the camera recording everything last second of what was happening before the man already rocking her world went into overdrive and changed her life forever.

Pulling back with a slow, deliberate restraint Ganondorf let her feel every centimeter of his cock as it emerged from her freshly penetrated hole. She tried to moan is it withdrew but the pleasure suffusing her body made it impossible to draw a single full breath. And when he shoved his dick back inside her with a perfectly timed thrust what little air she'd managed to suck in came rushing out all at once as the pleasure of his dick slamming against her prostate washed over her. The wet smack of their bodies reuniting filled the clearing around them and was quickly joined by the satisfied moans of both the man balls deep inside her tight hole and the woman recording the whole thing. Linkle's panting whimpers were barely even audible despite how amazing it felt and they would remain almost completely inaudible for quite some time. Despite how quickly her lover built into the sort of gentle, yet steadily climbing rhythm that sent his dick gliding in and out of her ass with a toe curling cadence. Feeling her g-spot repeatedly and almost perfectly hammered over and over again at an ever increasing rate made it genuinely impossible to think or function as anything close to a normal human being. Ganondorf was clearly no stranger to fucking crossdressing sluts like her and he didn't have any qualms about taking full advantage of that skill.

Within a minute his waist was smacking against her jiggling ass in a constant, rhythmic slap while waves of pleasure crashed through her body and set fire to every nerve she had. Within two he was moving fast enough for his weighty balls to slap against her own, far smaller sack in a humiliating yet thoroughly arousing reminder of just how much less of a man she was compared to him. Within three her entire body was lurching forward from every thrust only to be pulled back again as his grip on her wrists remained firm and his utter control over every facet of her body was proven time and time again. Any sense of time or space vanished after that as Linkle was slowly but sure overcome by the pleasure of having her prostate endlessly stimulated in ways she'd only ever seen in hentai. The intense, almost unbearable pressure building up inside her was like nothing she'd ever felt in her life and she simply couldn't get enough. Although it felt uncannily like she had to pee she was just cognizant enough to know that wasn't the case and instead lean in to the sensation as much as she possibly could. Although there was little she could meaningfully do beyond continue to get fucked by a cock that felt as long and as thick as her arm. Thankfully that's all she really had to do as her first prostate orgasm welled up within her like a rising tidal wave. She had no idea how long it actually took to crest and wash away any semblance of sanity she had left but time had little meaning before her climax and it had even less during or after. There was only the pure, unbridled pleasure of anal sex.

Screaming in a high pitched, girlish voice so unlike her own it was hard to believe such a noise could even come from her Linkle finally succumbed to the ecstasy that'd been welling up inside her.  Her eyes tolled back in her head and she all but collapsed against the man holding her upright as any control she'd managed to retain vanished. Wave after wave of pure bliss cascaded through her body, each one arriving long before the previous had dissipated. The resulting barrage of ecstasy was far, far too much for her to comprehend but since she couldn't even begin to pull away from the source she was left with no other choice except tobe drowned in it. Cum erupted from her cock in a thick, creamy torrent while every inch of her body trembled at once. But rather than the messy spurts she normally unleashed it was more like a constant, watery stream oozing from her cock as much as gushing from it, as though she'd sprung a leak. The utterly orgasmic feelings assaulting every fiber of her being were a thousand times stronger than anything she'd ever felt though. To such a degree it made for a downright comical juxtaposition as her madly throbbing dick leaked a steady stream of milky white jizz while frantic convulsions and desperately breathy squeals suffused the rest of her body.

Bernice certainly reveled in the sight, her own long awaited climax arriving not long after her boyfriend's as the sight of him moaning like a girl with a fat cock pounding away at his ass was just too much to handle. Squirting all over the inside of her shorts and drenching her already soaked panties she did everything in her power to remain composed enough to keep filming Linkle's orgasm. But more than once she couldn't help drifting away from the money shot as her own shuddering and moaning sent her arm drooping and her focus waning. Fortunately she wasn't the one taking a cock in the ass, not that she would've been opposed to such a thing at that moment, so she was able to recover a little bit better than her partner, which was to say she actually managed to recover at all. As luck would have it she even managed to get some sort of a grip on herself a few seconds before Ganondorf blew his load as well. Clearly overcome by the tightness of the formerly virgin asshole he was fucking he let out a telltale groan and slammed his prick into her in a wild burst of movement. She of course moaned in delight as her sensitive and thoroughly ravished hole was given one last burst of pleasure to send her on her way. That pleasure only grew more pronounced when she felt the unabashed joy of her first, but certainly not last, creampie as it basted her inner walls and flooded the deepest reaches of her asshole.

Linkle screamed her girlfriend's name yet again as cum sprayed into her asshole and the pure joy of it was almost enough to turn the aftershocks she'd been enjoying into another orgasm entirely. Sadly she wasn't quite enough of an anal queen for that but the pleasure of an asshole full cum right after she'd soaked her thighs, boots, and much of the ground in her own jizz couldn't be described in words. Although it didn't last more than twenty seconds his orgasm was enough to completely seal her love of all things anal and rewrite her sexual desires like nothing else could. And when his fantastically thick cock was removed from her asshole and his grip on her wrists weakened she gladly collapsed to her knees and slumped against the woman responsible for all of it, a delirious smile spread across her face and pure joy radiating from her body. When her girlfriend knelt down to kiss her she returned the embrace with all the strength she could muster, violent tremors wracking her body and sending thick spurts of cum squelching out of her nicely gaped and still entirely exposed asshole. The kiss they shared was as tender as it was lewd and for several amazing seconds the entire world slipped away as they kissed like never before. The two only broke apart when Taylor could no longer find the strength to hold his head up. She happily cradled him as he leaned hard against her, an exhilarated smile lighting up her face as she felt him shiver and heard the perverse sounds of his cum filled asshole leaking all over the forest floor.

“Thank you . . .” He panted, “Thank you . . .”

“Of course baby . . .”

“I love you . . .”

“I love you too . . .”

They shared another, far shorter kiss and Taylor dazedly asked, “This wasn't . . . this wasn't a one time thing . . . was it?”

“No.” Bernice promised, “Your tight little ass is gonna get fucked so much more you won't even know what to do!”

“Good . . . that's . . . that's good . . .”


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