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And here's the second story of the lot. In a perfect world I'd have written all three ideas but that just wasn't feasible this time around. Hopefully two bursts of naughtiness will tide you guys over. This one is even outside of my usual style so those turned off by crossdressing, feminization, and things of that nature should skip this chapter. Anyone who enjoys it should keep reading!

Link squealed and bit his lower lip as the polished stone phallus pushed into his quivering asshole. All around him the three other Gerudo women in Ashai's class were doing the same while the teacher stood at her desk watching each of them in turn. Pasha, Dina, and Risa had all been well aware of what that particular lesson would entail and none of them had any qualms stripping naked and sliding onto the faux cocks fastened to their desk chairs. But nobody had mentioned it to the newcomer and the fact that he was actually a male Hylian dressed as a woman, in a village that forbid men from entering, made things a lot more tense. In an effort to hide his secret he'd pulled down his purple silk leggings just far enough to expose his plump bubble butt. That might have been enough had his natural love of anal play not let immediately to a far more damning set of circumstances. With every centimeter that slipped into his well trained hole his cock throbbed a little harder. It wouldn't be long before it was straining against the loose confines of his disguise and no amount of flowing cloth could save him then. To make matters worse he was really starting to enjoy the feeling of that thick, unyielding cock stuffing him up. The sheer blue veil covering his mouth was constantly a flutter as his breathless, girlish moans were unable to stop. Clutching the edges of his seat so hard all the blood rushed out of his knuckles Link had to fight every instinct in his body and resist slamming himself down on that wonderfully hard toy. A stain was already starting to form just above his knee as precum oozed from the head of his dick. There was no telling how much longer he could last but after so long with any kind of release it was unlikely he had very long.

“Slow down Risa,” Ashai commanded, “This is not a race. You'll have plenty of time to grow familiar with your voe's manhood when the time comes.”

Risa nodded and moved a bit slower, suitably admonished. Her dark, muscular body shivered as a little bolt of pleasure surged through her and juices seeped from her pussy. Nearby both Pasha and Dina were having considerably more trouble, “I don't think I can go any further!” The latter whimpered.

“Then don't, sex is meant to be pleasurable for you and your mate. If it's uncomfortable then stop and reevaluate.”

“Are all voe this big?!” Pasha whimpered as she halted about midway down the stone shaft, her thighs clenched tightly together and her eyes fluttering shut as pleasure and a mild dose of pain surged through her body, “I-I don't think I could be with a voe this big!”

“You'll get used to it.” Ashai promised, “But no, not all voe are so large. Many can be far easier to manage. Are you having trouble too Link?”

Gasping in surprise and lifting his gaze to look at the teacher Link quickly shook his head. He couldn't help but let out a little moan as the head of the member working it's way inside him brushed against a particularly sensitive spot. Entirely unconvinced Ashai approached him just as his cock throbbed particularly hard. His eyes shut as he was once more gripped by the desire to plunge down onto the shaft and damn the consequences. Little did he know his teacher had just spotted what he was trying to hard to conceal. For a split second her eyes widened and her lips parted as she looked down at her newest pupil. By the time he managed to look at her again she'd composed herself and only barest hint of a smile betrayed the thoughts bouncing around in her head. All of a sudden she wasn't thinking solely as an instructor, thoughts of a more selfish nature flitted through her mind as she watched the mewling little voe in disguise fill himself with stone cock. Yet despite the many lewd thoughts she was entertaining Ashai was a teacher first and foremost. Whatever she did needed to benefit her pupils and the Gerudo people as a whole. Luckily for her and Link there were more than a few ways to do so while still making sure they both had plenty of fun. She simply had to play it smart and her girls would be in for the best lesson they could imagine.

“Why don't you join me for a demonstration?” She asked, “I think the girls would learn much faster with some first hand experience.

Although he wanted to shake his head again and refuse the offer Link's cock swelled mightily at the prospect and when his wide blue eyes looked up at Ashai he found his willpower all but gone. After a few moments of silence during which Dina, Risa, and Pasha all looked at them with varying degrees of curiosity and hopefulness he finally nodded. Their teacher fixed him with a look of abject delight and extended her hand. Link started to rise off the toy halfway buried in his ass, his fingers reaching out towards hers. But the moment he made contact and his other hand relinquished its hold on the seat Ashai cheekily let go of him. With a gasp he fell back wards with nothing to stop him. Eight inches of girthy stone sank into his quivering rind in the blink of an eye, It happened so fast he didn't make a peep as ecstasy flooded his body. The other girls in the class gasped at the sight, all of them taken aback and thoroughly aroused by what they were witnessing. None of them had any idea what would follow as their instructor, still wearing an ear to ear grin, took both of Link's hands and pulled him to his feet. Still shivering in abject pleasure and unable to move of his own volition he could only stand there and twitch. Only because the fake dick had been strapped to the chair did it not come with him and the sight of his stretched ass extending outwards as he rose only to finally release the phallus with a pop made every Gerudo woman present squirm in pleasure. Getting to seeing his cute little hole winking and gaping in the aftermath was even better and all three students were given plenty of chances to enjoy it as Link was guided up to the front desk. His once tight ring hadn't even begun to close by the time they stopped and Ashai began to undress.

“Gather around girls.” She stated, “Some things can't be taught in a classroom without a proper demonstration.”

“But how can—” 

The rest of Dina's question was cut off by a gasp as Ashai pulled down Link's trousers to reveal his foot long cock to the entire class. Easily as thick as the fake ones they'd been using it throbbed mightily between his thighs. The sight was so unexpected all four of them momentarily forgot about his ravished asshole in favor of the far more enticing sight. Pasha, Risa, and Dina all moved closer to stare at the first genuine penis they'd ever seen in their lives. Each was amazed by how long and thick it seemed to be. They wanted to reach out and touch it but a combination of inexperience and nervousness kept all but Risa from entertaining the idea. And the only reason she stopped was out of fear of reprisal from their teacher. Of course that just happened to be one of the few instances Ashai wouldn't have reprimanded her brusque student. If only because she was too busy undressing to pay much attention to anything else. While her students were gawking at Link's exposed cock and he was leaning hard against the desk with his cute butt pointed at them and his shaft swaying between his legs she was tearing off every article of clothing she had. Within a few seconds she was as naked as the day she was born, her tall and muscular build standing in remarkable contrast to Link's small and slender form. The differences in their sizes, skin color, and just about everything else were further accentuated when she effortlessly lifted Link onto the desk. Suddenly finding himself laying flat on his back with for beautiful, dark skinned women staring at him he couldn't help but feel so nervous his body was paralyzed. Well most of it was, his dick was still twitching madly against the wood.

“How can she have that?” Pasha asked, “I thought—”

“She's half Gerudo.” Ashai lied, “Her father was a voe.”

“Ohhhhhhh!” All three girls nodded, everything falling into place. 

Convinced they wouldn't ask any further questions Ashai started to climb onto the desk. For a split second it looked like she might simply mount him in a traditional fashion. That was actually her intention but it was also where her teaching instincts clashed with her urges. When the latter won it resulted in her taking hold of his ankles and throwing his legs into the air. Pushing them forward until his feet were hanging above his face and the lower portion of his back was curved upwards she moved above him. Ashai let his legs fall back against her chest while she reached down and guided his massive dick into place. As soon as she felt the tip against her sopping wet and completely shaved pussy she sank down onto it. An identical pair of girlish moans filled the air as her cunt swallowed up his cock and he shuddered at the feeling of her tight, warm body. With a single practiced movement she slid all the way to the base of his dick as her pupils watched in amazement. None of them could even conceive such a large member fitting inside anyone and watching their teacher handily abolish those notions was nothing short of incredible. Her juices cascaded down Link's quivering body to pool on the desk beneath them as both of their assholes twitched and winked in the open air. Neither of them gave much thought to the audience they were performing for. He was much to overcome by the immediate pleasure of finally penetrating a woman and Ashai was doing her best not to come after many years without a proper cock. Her long, muscular legs tensed almost as much as the frantic walls of her slit and it took all of her self control to not start fucking him right away. Some part of her still knew she had to keep up the facade of teaching even under such wild circumstances.

After a moment of groping her modestly sized breasts and pinching her dark nipples her hands returned to his ankles and Ashai did her best to silence the quaver in her voice before she said, “Now this is quite an advanced position. Especially among the voe. Most will want to be the dominant one, so imagine yourselves in Link's positions from now on!”

Her students nodded and their perception shifted to focus on the mewling Hylian in disguise. Ashai shifted her stance ever so slightly and started moving. Her hips rose into the air while her ass pushed outwards so Risa, Pasha, and Dina could witness the cock gradually sliding out of her hole. She only managed to go about halfway before a combination of circumstances forced her right back down. Chief among them was the urge to start fucking him in earnest and forego the build up that would be most beneficial for her pupils. Though when she did slid back down to the base of his dick all three gasped in surprise as they watched his improbably large shaft once more plunge into her pussy without the slightest bit of effort. A creamy jet of fluids squirted out of her as they remained in that positions for a few seconds and Ashai grinded against him for the benefit of everyone present. The look on Link's face as she did so was incredibly arousing and it only made her want to dominate him all the more. She'd never seen a voe male quite as feminine and womanly before. At least not one that possessed a cock to rival that of a horse. His simultaneously amazed, aroused, and confused expression made her pussy ache and the rest of her body erupt in goosebumps. Being watched by her students also added a lot more than she expected. Somehow she hadn't felt like this during any of the previous lessons, but perhaps that was for the best. Having it all be deliciously new as she glided upwards and her tight slit clamped down around his length made it so much more enjoyable. And it made for a far more messy, enthusiastic, and real feeling experience for Dina, Risa, and Pasha. Much more so than the brief talks of masturbation that'd occupied the previous session.

“It's always best to start off slow!” Ashai instructed even as her movements noticeably increased, “It helps both you and your mate learn what feels the best. And it can help you adjust if you happen to find a mate as well endowed as Link.”

“Do we have to go slow the whole time?”

“Not at all Risa. You can go as fast . . .” She absolutely pounded Link in a flurry of strong, decisive movements that shook the desk and made him squeal, “Or as slow . . .” Her pace suddenly dropped to a languid speed that saw her pussy sliding up and down his cock at an almost maddening pace, “So long as both of you enjoy it you can move however you like!”

“H-how long do we do it for?” Pasha asked, unconsciously leaning in and getting flecks of pussy juice splashed across her face as a result.

Ashai laughed and returned to the steadily increasing rhythm she'd been at before, her now thoroughly sopping cunt making audible squishing and sloshing noises around Link's cock, “Now that's not something I can teach you Pasha. You have to find out for yourself.” She rode her partner for a few seconds and looked back to see her slightly crestfallen student, “Ideally you should go until you have an orgasm. But that shouldn't be your only goal.”

“What should our goal be?” Risa questioned as a shiver danced down her spine.

“To enjoy yourself.” She bounced along the fat cock embedded in her slit for a few seconds, “And to connect with another being.” Her movements slowed as she gyrated against Link and sent little spurts of arousal flying all over them, “And of course to show how you feel about someone.”

Confident she'd given her students something to think about Ashai instead focused on demonstrating the first of the three reasons she'd just outlined. It might have already been abundantly clear to Pasha, Risa, and Dina but just to be safe she was going to make sure they really knew. It was beyond apparent Link wasn't going to last much longer and she could already feel her own pleasure building to a climactic height as well. Her speed quickened yet again and this time it didn't slow down for any reason. She was going to fuck him until both of them came and her girls had a nice, messy punctuation to what would probably be Ashai's favorite lesson. Spreading his legs a little further apart and moving forward so she was resting almost completely atop him she was able to bounce against his cock to her hearts content. Although she couldn't be quite as rough as she might have liked something told her Link would be able to handle more than the average voe. After a few seconds of testing this quickly proved true as, despite his feverish moans, his dick remained as hard as ever inside her and there wasn't even a hint of discomfort on his face. In fact there wasn't a hint of anything except pleasure, his blue eyes fogging over and his mouth hanging open in a perpetual gasp. He stared up at the woman utterly dominating him without even comprehending what was going on. A steady trickle of fluids dripped down his curled abdomen as her movements resulted in increasingly sloppy movements, which rather nicely resulted in his dick throbbing harder inside her to form a wonderfully synchronized ebb and flow to their movements. This lasted several minutes with the three students behind them constantly shifting to see every angle and watch with a mix of envy and incredulity as they began to understand what sex could really be. It wasn't until Ashai finally spoke again that any of them realized what they'd been doing.

“Pasha” She suddenly moaned, “I need you to fetch something from the second drawer in my desk. It's the first item you'll see.”

“Of course!” Dutifully rising to her feet while the others remained kneeling in awe of what they were seeing Pasha did as she was bidden. Although it was quite a surprise to find the item in question she collected it and moved back into place, “What do you want me to do with this?”

“Insert one end into Link's ass!” Her words made him throb like mad inside her cunt and she had to stop and savor the feeling with a half formed smile.

“A-all right . . . “

With trembling hands Pasha put one head of the purple double sided dildo into Link's puckered hole while Ashai pushed both of them towards her for maximum convenience. The moment it slid inside his entire body tensed and his commanding lover felt it ripple through his already twitching cock. She smiled down at him and waited for her turn. Correctly assuming she didn't need to tell her student what to do with the other end her faith was rewarded with the second head found it's way to her tight ring soon after. About half the thickness of the models her students had been using for demonstration it was a toy designed more for depth than stretching. The moment Pasha let it go all but a few inches sank into either Ashai or Link's holes as both of them moaned. Now as stuffed up as they could be without something to suck on there really was nothing left to do but enjoy themselves. It also gave her another way to dominate him thanks to the rather impressive amount of control she still managed to have over her body. There was a reason she was known for having the tightest ass in town and it was something he was learning first hand. With her inner walls clamped tightly around both his cock and the fake one she could fuck him in two completely different ways while he was left to whimper and squirm. And her students got the smallest inkling of the sexual prowess that made their teacher a somewhat legendary woman among a people already famous for their sexuality. 

Instead of alternating between grinding on the base of his dick or rising up and down it's length she found a nice way to do both with a vigor that finally threatened to injure the young Hylian. Fortunately for both of them it didn't last long enough to reach that point but before they both hit their limits her movements were downright feverish. Moving along his cock like it was the only thing in the world she'd slide down to the hilt and the drive the fake shaft they were sharing so deep inside the two of them it threatened to vanish completely. Sometimes it actually disappeared from sight as their buttocks squished together hard enough to prevent even her copious fluids from seeping out. Those were the moments when Risa, Pasha, and Dina were at their most enthralled. None could fully believe what they were seeing despite it being demonstrated to them over and over again. All three had little droplets of their teacher's fluids clinging to their faces and chest but none had the wherewithal to wipe them away. Doing so required diverting their attention from the spectacle unfolding in front of them and nobody was willing to do such a thing. Especially when the moment of truth finally arrived and Link let out a passionate cry that was soon shared by Ashai. The two of them threw their heads back and moaned so loud passersby on the street could hear.

A few seconds of frantic movements, from both of them, followed after their pleasured outbursts. But as their respective orgasms loomed larger and larger that level of self control was soon beyond them. In a last ditch effort to ensure the most pleasure for herself Ashai slammed herself down against Link's upraised waist. His cock plunged into her cunt and the dildo slammed into both of their asses. In the next moment a wonderfully all encompassing climax flooded their bodies. Cum exploded deep into her womb as his dick swelled considerably inside her while rolling waves of pleasure surged through every fiber of her being. What was already an impressively tight pussy clenched down around him so much every drop of spunk he had to give was sucked out. And the madcap contractions working through their assholes resulting in an unexpectedly amazing barrage of extra stimulation. Almost like their holes were fighting for ownership of the dildo they pulled and pushed in a constant but amazingly harmonious give and take. Any time her body was squeezing it his was relaxing and vice versa with the resulting effect coming at the perfect time between the far more noticeable and powerful reactions from Ashai's pussy and Link's cock. 

For just about a full minute they were locked in place moaning and shivering against one another as their audience could only guess at the kind of sensations they were experiencing. They could certainly see the downpour of fluids gushing from their teacher's pussy and watch the way her muscles tensed and her mouth hung open. Link's adorably feminine noises and the constant tightening of his balls were evidence enough of his pleasure even without him doing all the same things as her. But it wasn't until the first creamy strands of cum started leaking out that they really understood the full scope of what had happened. Lectures, diagrams, and even drawings couldn't prepare them for the smell as it trickled down Link's body and dripped onto the desk. Already marinating in the odor of their teacher's slit the bitter yet intoxicating aroma of semen was like nothing they'd ever experienced. Each girl was instantly taken aback and enthralled with it. So much so they were more jealous than ever of her and beyond eager to leave the village to find a mate of their very own. As spunk continued to dribble from their instructor's womanhood and she gradually came down for the orgasmic bliss that'd been her entire world for a short time Ashai finally looked back at her students. Intending to wrap up the 'lesson' with some poignant and meaningful as a way to justify her indulgence the words that actually spilled from her mouth were anything but.

“And there you have it girls . . .” She murmured as her lover panted beneath her, “Sex with a voe can be quite wonderful if done right . . .”

“A voe?” Risa, Dina, and Pasha looked at one another in confusion while Ashai tensed and Link's eyes widened in fear, “Did you say she was a voe?”

“I thought only voe men could have a penis?”

“That's what you said in your last lesson.”

“I . . . uhm . . . I . . .” Ashai looked down at the Hylian she'd accidentally outed, “I don't . . . you see . . . maybe we should take a short break . . .”


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