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Your request to bring the Justicar’s daughter, Morinth, aboard the Normandy has been approved. I admit, I was cautious at first. Following your report confirming that Morinth is classed as an Ardat-Yakshi was cause for concern to say the least.

However, I stand by our original mission to wipe out the Collector threat to humanity. If this Morinth will help us achieve our goal, I will trust your judgement on this issue. 

I can see that you’ve assigned Mrs Lawson and Samara to monitor Morinth. I have the utmost faith in these two in keeping the situation secure.

I’ve attached below Cerberus training and protocol on the so-called ‘Demon of the Night Winds’. I reccomend that you read through it. 

The Artdat-Yakshi - which translates to Demon of the Night Winds - is a rare genetic disorder amongst the Asari.

The condition does not harm the asari. However, during sexual intercourse the Ardat-Yakshi's nervous system completely overpowers and dominates that of her mate’s. This causes haemorrhaging in the victim's brain, ultimately leading to death in extreme cases.

As a result, the Ardat-Yakshi becomes smarter, stronger, and deadlier after every sexual encounter. Because of this, extreme caution is advised with dealing with an alien with this disorder.

However, there have been cases monitored of certain members of the asari race can overcome and suppress an Ardat-Yakshi’s ability to dominate and kill their mate.
Although rare and more research is needed, if a powerful individual - favourable another member of the asari race - can overpower and make the Ardat-Yakshi orgasm first, the damage to the sexual mate can be nullified.

This does not override Cerberus’ strict protocols and guidelines when in contact with a known Ardat-Yakshi.

For further information, consult the codex.


Was not expecting this set to be this long. I think my biggest challange was just how to end it. My original plan was to have around 80 images, but I kept adding more and more. Then it got to the point where I couldn't finish it as I couldn't visualise how to tell the ending I wanted to. 

But other than that this set was better than I could have hoped. These new Mass Effect models are the best to work with as any pose I had in my head, I can turn into a render. Plus their textures are super high quality so getting the camera up close to their faces where you can see each pore of their skin is aways a big win. 

With all my sets, I like to do something new with each one. Be it using a new model or a new location or trying soemthing new with poses etc. With this set I wanted to do more boob stuff and I feel like it came out really good. The poses where Miranda was getting her puppies squeezed or when Samara and Morinth where playing with theirs came out better than I expected. 

At first I was going to have a threeway between all three of them. But each sperate part of the set balooned to be way, way bigger than I planned. Maybe I'll do a part 2 for this set in the future. 

Not sure which part of the set was my favourite. I'd say the part where Samara and Morinth were tribbing was the highlight for me. Overall, this is either my best girl-on-girl set or on par with Exposing the Supergirl at the very least. 

As always, love to hear all of your feedback, so feel free to drop me a comment or mesage on any thoughts you all have. 

You can find the set in the Mass Effect folder, under 'Demon of the Night Winds'. 




I message all of my subscribers a link to my latest archive every month. If you've joined during the month, just drop me a message and I'll send you a link over.

Any questions, feel free to ask.




God this turned out so hot, your work on their expressions is outstanding


Thanks boss. I’d say expressions are the either the 2nd or 3rd most important aspect to a render (lighting being number 1 imo)