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I keep hearing variations of this old adage every time I talk to all the Negative Nellies about what this game can be, and each time they tell me all the reasons why it won't work, I sigh, silently count to ten, and smile before thanking them for their opinion.

I get it. People look down their noses at the naughty games. They consider AVNs a pornucopia dressed up as literature or entertainment. And sometimes they're right. We have all played games where we walked away thinking, 'those are just...hours I am never getting back.' It's true - some are simply awful. But some are pretty wonderful, and well done.

Mobum's Runaway Princess was one of the latter. Oh, to be sure, the grammar and spelling was utter cringe, as were some of the viewpoints and sexy bits. The code pretty much guaranteed that the game would crash at some point. While the art was pretty grand, the animation left a great deal to be desired. But it was not 'a sow's ear.'

Beneath that crusty implementation was a true gem of a game. A free-roam of of significant portions. Yes, the game's initial scope is simple - escort an Elven Woman to the Big City, and Sexy Hijinks occur along the way. But, playing it, you knew - you just knew - there was more to the story. Some of you craved for more of this story - I sure did, which is why I started writing for the game.

That's really why the game is being continued, patrons. It's a Story, and a Story that must continue.

And continue it will; a large part of this is due to the lottery-level luck I had in finding astonishingly talented people to help me to reimagine and continue this story. I am a fairly good writer, but they are exceptional talents, in both skillset and motivation. You've seen some of Steve's art already, and you will surely see some of Rich's wizardry once we are ready to release a combined update that combines most of the material from the old form of the game with new elements and bigger, deeper Stories.

Another part of why this Story will continue is because I know what it wants to be about.

And it is equal parts hilarious, tricky, romantic, sexy, and tragic. And since you have all chosen to put your faith in us, we can also take your input and help weave them into the Story as well. So, share your comments, here and over in Discord, letting us know what you'd want to see. If you're shy about it, send me a PM and we can talk about your ideas.

Of course, being a subscriber gets you more of a direct line to us, and what you'd like to see, or see more of.

Again, we are so glad you are here, and we appreciate the faith you put in us.


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