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So here we are, fellow travelers - at the very first post of a new game. 

Except..this isn't a new game. Princess on the Run builds upon the game world introduced in Runaway Princess, an abandoned game produced by the now forcibly-shuttered Mobum Games. 

As a screenwriter for TV and film, I am relatively used to projects getting canceled, sometimes even before getting greenlit for a pilot episode. Sometimes even before they make it out of the Writing Room. And I don't care if you are Straczyncski, Willimon, Penhall or Farr - you feel the loss of your darlings when they are abruptly whisked away into a dark room, never to be seen again.

And so, it seemed like the same thing had happened with RP.  I had been a new addition to the team at Mobum, brought on for writing, and was as surprised as everyone else when everything went pear-shaped. 

So, after a few weeks of being all sad about it, I realized that this game could still be made; I had more than enough scripts and story arcs to get me through at least three updates, and the world of AVN has dozens if not hundreds of talented people wanting to do something with that talent. I was very very fortunate to find the right people that make up part of One Hand Clapping to help me re-Imagine RP

In the months that follow, you will watch as we recreate and improve on the many aspects of Mobum's already wonderful game. You will be here to see the first update - v0.5 - which will contain all of the previous game's content [but reImagined] as well as new content woven into the story. It will still have the fun characteristics of the old game, but there will be serious edges and solid character development. Your player decisions, as always, will lead to outcomes. 

I hope you enjoy the ride.

-Jack Oh 10/22/2023