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NSFW Patreon earnings has dropped below the $250 mark, so after the current folder for free release has been posted, unless it goes back up, the free releases will stop, until it's reached again. Still got a few pics left in that folder, so still have a few things to post. (the regular patreon hasn't quite reached the $250 mark so that one hasn't started it's free posting yet.)

I have busy with commissions so I haven't gotten the YCH images out yet, but I'm hoping to get them next month. Hopefully. I'm looking forward to them. :3 Not saying I don't want comms, I do! I just have been busy. ;3 Regulars can keep them coming as they wish.

Hmmm. What else. I try to include some not work related things in journal so they are less boring. Hope ya'll have been watching Villainous as it's been coming out. I have the hots for Black Hat. I also have a special surprise either next month or the month after hopefully that I'm working on involving Villainous. Other then that I have lots of idea's based off the show and when I have some time at some point I'll make those too. ;3 On my long list of ideas you know. Hee hee!

The baby has had some follow up appointments, and they'll be having more for her, including CT Scans and etc, due to her seizures and fainting spells. The doctors have advised me to put her on disability, even though I'm trying to make it without it, since they think she'll require more care that could cost more. I really don't want to, but I don't know. I'll have to see. With all the healthcare issues going on in the government it would be so much better if I could just live off my own income. Eh, but I digress. That's just how it goes, yeah?

Otherwise doing very good yes yes. Quite happy. Have some donuts, have some bagels. I mean it is summer, and I absolutely hate summer, the only thing I like about it is watermelon and fresh fruit that one can get, it's so good! But I don't like summer at all. I hate beach, I hate pool, people keep asking you to go to them... All that. Sun is too hot and bright for my eyes. I tend to Summer Hibernate, and try to stay inside as much as I can. Though I do have to go outside because the kids need sun and stuff, and THEY like the summer. But hey, that's why I wear a hat all the time, have dark curtains for my room, and etc. Fall and Winter are my love you know. But since I get to stay inside, I get to see all my friends on the comp a lot, yes yes :3. So weee happy stuff and such. Hope to make some more things that ya'll like yes yes. :3 Hope ya'll are having fun. 



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