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Pinup poll for May!!

Okay so went with (hopefully) a good choice of furry goodness for this month's poll: all foxes, all cuties...  ;)

Majority are returning winners, one choice actually has NOT won a poll yet so we'll see what happens with that...also I had to include a certain vixen wearing glasses, because folks really seem to like her...hehe...might be a hard choice guys.  >:3

*Poll choices below correspond with the numbered images above

Voting for this poll will end this coming Thursday at 12:00 AM

Here are your choices, and good luck!


Diesel Weasel

I would've voted for Robin if he'd been an option. XB


S-tails I choose you !


I just want to vote for them all to have a good time! 🤗🌈🌟


could we have Tails with the runner up fox? ;) (once you put Tails in the poll I had no choice but to vote for him XD )


They’re all fantastic choices, but I have to pick S-Tails

Mark Theroux

They'd all be great, so I'll just do an "eeny meeny miney mo" this time xD


Yooo why not a cross over with the top two?


I pock Patty.

Stoker Bramwell

This is one of the harder choices you've had us make


I'd like to see more S Tails!


Seems STails is waay ahead

Matt Eldritch

I'm hoping that Patty or Diane could win.


Well I think you know who I voted for :P


While I voted Diane we also have a new fox girl around: The Lady Fox from Unicorn: Warriors Eternal.


good to see the right option winning


i hope we get to see s-tails trying on new sandals