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Betcha thought I forgot about the wallpaper huh?  Well here it is!  =P

My second time drawing a Spyro the Dragon character OTHER than Elora, is...Spyro himself lol.  I just felt like drawing something purple...and dragony...so I HAD to go with this as the wallpaper choice.  Also Fall pic yaay...



Diesel Weasel

Autumn aesthetic is my jam, and so underappreciated. 💖 🍂

Mark Theroux

He's the cutest ^^


Oh no he fell down? Poor boy! ....oh wait! That kinda Fall ;P

Jake Price (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-10 11:32:07 absolutely wicked, super mega awesome job on this ed-boy!!!!!!!! you seriously absolutely nailed how Spyro looks, his face (and the way you drew his square eyebrows and muzzle), and his build and his pose are all like perfect, and the warm colour palette makes this so perfect for fall <3 Hope this was a fun one!!!
2020-10-28 02:16:59 absolutely wicked, super mega awesome job on this ed-boy!!!!!!!! you seriously absolutely nailed how Spyro looks, his face (and the way you drew his square eyebrows and muzzle), and his build and his pose are all like perfect, and the warm colour palette makes this so perfect for fall <3 Hope this was a fun one!!!

absolutely wicked, super mega awesome job on this ed-boy!!!!!!!! you seriously absolutely nailed how Spyro looks, his face (and the way you drew his square eyebrows and muzzle), and his build and his pose are all like perfect, and the warm colour palette makes this so perfect for fall <3 Hope this was a fun one!!!