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Hey all! How are you doing?

I hope your holidays have been holi-great! Ah hah hah hah~ Puns.

Okay so, here's the deal. I've been working my butt off lately, and it is occurring to me that I am burning my candle at both ends. I didn't take many breaks this month. Even though I didn't post a comic during my birthday week, I still spent it working and catching up; and though I took Christmas off, I worked through the weekend to make up for it. Although, I guess my body did make me take a day off because I literally slept through it. 

And you know?? It's catching up to me??

SO. Before I get more Consequences (TM), which, I feel it comin', I am gonna take a breather and step back, and let myself take Some Time. 

Here's what this means for you:

  • The comic will still update as usual. Amazingly, the comic isn't the pain point right now.
  • I am, however, gonna stop pushing myself to buffer up so hard right now. XP I'm still figuring out how to properly do the process with the flatters for optimal efficiency, so building back up a buffer is gonna take time.
  • December Postcards will still go out on time.
  • The December/End of Year newsletter is gonna be at least a few days late.
  • December sketches are started but won't be done by the end of December like I wanted. They will, however, be done probably sometime  in the first week of January, but definitely the second week at the LATEST.
  • The Bonus Comic for January will be released on the 10th. And, in fact, I will probably be releasing all bonus comics on the 10th, from here out. (Gives the artists a little bit of buffer time if needed.) Deadline to get it is probably still on the 5th though, due to how special offers work???
  • A lot of my plans for the first week of January are getting pushed a little bit. For example: the Mystery Bag sale I was planning to launch around the 5th for the shop is gonna get pushed to the 10thish. 
  • Reminder posts might be a little thin on the ground, depends on how many Thornwolf has written and Hope has scheduled for me (THANKS GUYS!!!), and I probably won't be quite as active in the Discord or responding to comments/messages on Patreon. (The latter I haven't been great at in the past to begin with, but I've been pushing myself to be better lately, and maybe I can ease off a little, haha.)
  • I was hoping to have merch out for Valentines/Spring, but it's about a month and a half of work, so I'm gonna stop worrying about it, and at worst, the first round of merch for next year will be in April or something instead.
  • I was also hoping to start releasing videos for you guys again, but that's more overhead I can't spare at the moment!

Anyway. I think that covers most of it. I'm tired, y'all. I got my whole infrastructure settled out for planning, tasks, and working this upcoming year, and it's great, and... I'm so tired.

But I'm happy that things are going well for this little venture, and don't get me wrong, I push so hard because I love it. But sometimes? I forget that I have a disability? And that even if I'm well medicated for it, and even when I'm used to handling the pain and fatigue, when I ignore that, my body will let me know. So. I'm gonna be a good girl. :P

ANYWHO. I have rambled long enough. I hereby release myself from this web of Need To Do's and will get back up to speed in a week or two.

Ciao, friends!



It’s best to pace yourself not push yourself to your limit

Yvonne Clapham

Take whatever time you need dear, we'll be there for you :)

Carl G Knoblock

Everyone needs some down time now and then. Take what you need for your health.

Patrick Kingsley

Yes, PLEASE do take time for yourself and get rest! And that means actually taking time for yourself, not taking time away but still working. (Though, yes, I feel like a colossal hypocrite saying that. 😅) Please? Pretty please?


This is the 2nd "I think I've pushed myself a little too hard" Patreon post that I've seen this morning. I'm really glad that you love what you do. We love you and don't want you to burn out, or worse. We're in it for the long haul. 🐺❤️


Take a break,your health comes first,what you've come out with has been amazing,can't wait to see more,but not at the cost of your well being. take as long as you need , and Happy New Year :-)