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And with this one comes the end of this little silly journey! and quite a spontaneous project XD that came out of nowhere ^^

I started it as a way to practice some poses and ended up in a fun idea with my OCs :D

I hope you guys like it, I may do a final post with all the pics collected ^^

tell me what you think of all the pics :D and if you would like me to do more "stories" like this in the future with more Ocs from me or some friends ;D

Really thank you so much for all the support! ^^ and more stuffs coming soon!




Hahaha. That bit at the end. Probably not the best seasoning idea, but salty tentacles are actually pretty good, as someone who's tried squid myself. I hope she enjoys the "fruits" of her "labor". Fun little series to follow! Hope we get to see more in the future, especially as Ale falls deeper and deeper into the tickle hole. Seems like she's already learning to love it, even at her mother's chagrin.


That ending made a great punchline. Nice work.


Man. 10 hours of that type of tickling. Very brutal