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Ah we have reached the end.... OF CHAPTER 2!

what awaits next? what does Courtney means with May not being the only one?

and will May be able to do something against it? probably don't ;D 

But what do you think? did you like chapter 2? :D more will come eventually ^^ but for now I really hope you liked this chapter! :D

This has been great to do! and more will come soon! ^^

Hope you have a nice day! and thanks for all the support

Previous pages HERE 




Now this is a fantastic end to an amazing second chapter seriously dude thank you again gor such an amazing comic it's been an utter joy to read and slowly see May lose it. As for these final set of pictures they all look stunning like with the rest of them the colour's and shading look amazing not mention both May and Courtney looks great like usual as well. I really like the look of May's feet as well as her facial expressions they do a fantastic job alongside the dialogue to show just how much she's losing it. Also throughout the comic I love May's inner thoughts as she's being tickled and reacting to each tool tickling her and how's it's driving her mad. but Yeah it was an absolutely fantastic second addition to this comic series I love every part of it and you should pat yourself on the back man. Also I'll be honest I was not expecting a cliffhanger at the end of this chapter but soo happy there is the ending was just fantastic and I can't wait to see just who else has been captured alongside May now that she'll be able to do much about it and if I had to guess who else is with her I'd say the other hoenn gym leaders and maybe Lisa from the remakes. Anyway I can't wait to see the next part whenever you release it and until the we've got amazing content to look forward to.


I loved every single drawing of this comic. The only thing i Wish i could see was some foto worship as an "ultimate weakness"🤣. But thats ok. You are so good


Very devious. For a second there, I thought Courtney was just gonna leave the machine on and leave May to suffer her torment is silence.


I mainly keep to myself but man oh man just being able to read this comic makes me sub instantly. Looking forward to part 3. Such a tease with the screen ^_^

Miguel Salizar

You've really outdone yourself here. The amount of thought and creativity in this series really shows and I'm glad to see it all made so well. Great job dude. You never cease to amaze me.