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Picture if you will; the gang's all sitting around Jamie's apartment on December 23rd, relaxing in the somewhat cramped space. Jamie's browsing Pinterest looking on jealously at all the amazing winter getaways. The poor boy, awash with the Christmas spirits longs to spend a white christmas there with all his large and lovely friends...
"Look at this one! It overlooks the ski resort! Ugh, why are we stuck here in this shitty little apartment"
In an uncharacteristic display of geniality, René peers over his shoulder and chimes in. "Three bedrooms? Is that a joke? My family has a dusty old shack in ze mountains and even it has six bedrooms." 
Jamie's head whips around, his expression blank. "What...? Are you telling me you have a cabin in the mountains? Is anyone using it??"
"Tsch, I should think not. As I said, it's a dusty old shack. Hilariously rustic. Wooden beams, an all too tiny hot tub, and a fireplace in which one must place actual wood.  Are we settlers? Non, absurde."
By this point the whole gang is eyeing René in stunned silence. Benji breaks the silence, "Right. Jamie, everyone, pack your bags. Time for a road trip!"

I tried to finish this in full colour in time for Christmas, but sadly I won't be able to :c I'll be able to finish and post the full colour version before the new year though!
As we all know, 2020 was a shitty year. But I can't express how grateful I am for all of you who have stuck with me through it.
I'll be sure to make 2021 much better in terms of content
Happy Holidays,
Boo <3
(Starting top left, clockwise: Cam/Boo, René, Marian/Joe, Jamie, Tay/Benji, Germaine, Danny)



Melina Swiftwind

Can bunneh sit in Jamie's lap, he's so cute!


oh heck this is so damn nice and cute!!! I love it when you do casual hyper big pics &lt;3 Amazing so far!!!


I llike how everybody in this picture is chilin, but seeing Jaime and Rene on their feet somehow tells me that there are "excluded" (Dont know, some body language). I feel specially sorry for Rene, almost in every picture is looking at Benji for attention (not in this one, and I love it). Will Rene ever get Benji atention? Btw nice groupal composition. Merry Xmas y'all

Klesk Vadrigaar

I only regret the conversation you wrote up isn't longer. Love reading about how your characters speak and interact.


Well then stay tuned! There's a short story being written to accompany the final pic!

Dov Sherman

I really admire your sense of composition, especially with these big group shots.