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"Got it. That abandoned building on 5th Avenue. We're heading there right away."

My colleague Lucas said as he turned off the radio and grabbed the wheel. The police car blared its sirens as it made its way towards a desolate area in the dusk-stricken city.

"What's happening?"

I asked Lucas, who was driving.

"Can't say for sure. Brandon requested backup."

Lucas replied, his face tense.

If Brandon, a seasoned police officer, is in trouble, could there be someone armed and causing a ruckus? I need to be extra cautious.

Soon, we arrived at the abandoned building. What once might have been a mixed-use building, rising about five floors, now cast elongated shadows in the twilight, emanating an eerie ambiance. Already, three police cars were parked. One belonged to Brandon, so the other two must have been additional support units.

"No one in the cars?"

Lucas opened the door and stepped out.

"Yeah, but something feels off."

It was quieter than I expected. No sign of people around, no gunshots or shouts. But wait... There's this odd high-pitched ringing in my ears when I concentrate…probably.  A bad omen?  I don't really believe in the occult or spiritual stuff, though.


As I surveyed the surroundings cautiously, Lucas stood still with a vacant look.

"What's up? Hey, Lucas?"

Ignoring my voice, Lucas, with a faint smile,began wandering towards the building, as if he were half asleep or drunk. Despite my attempts to stop him, he disappeared into the building.

"What the hell..."

Baffled by Lucas's strange behavior but unable to leave him, I cautiously followed the dimly lit path leading into the gloomy building.

As I stepped into the abandoned building, an increasingly eerie atmosphere enveloped me. For some reason, a throbbing sensation pulsed at my temples. Nervously ascending the stairs to the second floor, I began to hear multiple men's voices.

"Whoa, oh!"

"Mm... guh..."

"Ah, ah, ah!”

Was someone injured? Hurriedly, I rushed toward the direction where the distressed voices came from. The air was strangely humid and smelled of sweaty heat, assaulting my nostrils.

The scene I witnessed on the second floor was beyond my comprehension.

Lots of men huddled closely together.

Initially, I thought my colleagues were grappling with a suspect. Some among them wore police uniforms, but something was odd. Why were their lower naked? Moreover, instead of grappling, they were...  fucking. Drenched in sweat, intensely shaking their hips hard and laughing with glee.

At the top is Lucas, and below him is Brandon. Brandon's big dick is stucking Lucas's asshole. Doesn't it hurt? I think that's Tyler and Nathan in the back. Is that Derek and Jordan ...... or are they all my colleagues here?

"Ooh! Fuck yeah!"

Ignoring me standing there, Lucas is shaking his hips with an erection happily. Every time he does this, Brandon's dick comes in and out of his asshole, and it's absurdly nasty. It would definitely feel good to be banged so deep by such a thick thing.

"...What? What's going on with me?"

Facing this abnormal scene, my mind felt like it was spinning out of control. Nothing about this seemed ordinary. Should I stop my colleagues? Should I flee from this place? Thoughts raced through my mind, yet my feet remained rooted, and my eyes continued to fixate on my colleagues' peculiar state.

I wonder, had it been a minute, ten minutes, or an hour since I stood there frozen in time?

The echoing tap of leather shoes from behind made me instinctively turn around.

"Ah, you're not joining them, are you?"

A man approached. Solid-built, dressed in a top-notch black suit and black tie, he looked like an agent from a spy movie. His presence in this shady, abandoned building felt undeniably out of place. Unpleasant sweat wouldn't stop.

--Who are you! What have you done to us!-- I tried to interrogate the man in the suit, but no sound emerged from my throat. I hoped my words would pour out, but my mouth moved helplessly, like a fish out of water.

"Hmm, it seems you have some resistance to electromagnetic waves. Still, it's starting to affect you gradually."

The man in the suit murmured in a calm voice, as if observing my condition. Clearly, he had something to do with this abnormal situation. Sweat continued to pour from every pore in my body.

Have to get out of here right now. No, I have to save my colleagues first. I have to run over, get Lucas, bang him, fuck him, get fucked by Brandon, I have to save them, I'm a man, I can do it! Man to man, I can fuck them!

"Body temperature and heart rate rising, rapid eye movement present... thoughts are becoming muddled. If this continues, there is a risk of residual brain damage, so let's shut down your consciousness for the moment."

The man announced before spraying something akin to a mist directly onto my face. My eyelids suddenly grew heavy, and my body began to lose strength.

"Don't worry, there's no intention to harm you all. Just for a while, for the sake of our ‘Organization'..."

While hearing the man's voice, I felt my consciousness being drawn away to somewhere distant.


"Hey, wake up, we're almost at the station."

I jolted back to consciousness at Lucas's voice, driving the police car.

"Lucas! Are you okay? What was that earlier...?"

That earlier what? Did something bad happen? It felt like waking up from a bad dream, immediately forgetting the dream's contents.

"Yeah yeah, I'm okay. Were you half asleep?"

Lucas chuckled innocently.

That's right, earlier at the abandoned building, Brandon thought he saw a suspicious person, so we rushed over for backup. But in the end, we didn't find anyone suspicious, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, and Brandon jokingly said, "If my instincts are this dull, maybe it's time for retirement." We all laughed it off.

"Sorry, I must have been half asleep.”

I probably shouldn't have laughed at Brandon.

Relief or maybe embarrassment caused an itchy sensation in my ass. Was it the uncomfortable seat position? With this strange ticklish sensation, my hips moved involuntarily.

"What's with the fidgeting?... Oh, come on, seriously?"

Lucas, glancing sideways, exclaimed with a hint of disbelief. His focus was on my crotch, and oh, wait, why do I have a boner? Feeling embarrassed, I looked at Lucas with a wry smile. And as I casually glanced at his crotch, I noticed a significant bulge there too.

"You've got something there too!"

I chuckled, pointing it out, and Lucas, realizing his own condition, burst into laughter alongside me.

"I haven't slept with my wife in a while."

"Me neither. I'm going to let my wife take care of me in bed tonight."

As the police car arrived at the station, I bid farewell to our colleagues and headed home. Tomorrow would mark another new day, and the routine of work blending with life's simple joys would continue to build up.


"Organization" Members "Discreet"

The Special Discreet Members, commonly known as "Discreet," are sleeper agents created by "Organization" through the brainwashing ordinary citizens.

Unconscious Members

Discreet were originally ordinary civilians who underwent “Organization's" brainwashing process, their memories manipulated to return to their previous lives as if nothing had occurred. Unaware of their brainwashing, they seamlessly navigate between everyday life and specialized missions, functioning for “ Organization" unconsciously.

Diverse Backgrounds

Discreet typically consist of individuals who have diverse experiences in society. Their occupations span various fields, including police officers, military personnel, firefighters, athletes, martial artists, actors, musicians, among others.

One criterion in selecting Discreet is when maintaining their original profession or social status benefits “Organization.”

For instance, renowned athletes or actors can leverage their popularity. If a Discreet operates within the police force, it streamlines “Organization's" activities. Moreover, having an "active police officer" rather than a "former police officer" contributes significantly during service activities both within and outside of "Organization."

Missions of Discreet

Due to the lack of specialized training as agents, Discreet are unsuitable for intricate espionage activities. However, their strength lies in maintaining their ordinary social lives, unaware of their brainwashing, while subtly contributing to "Organization" in various ways.

  • Support in Agent Activities
  • Provision of Information Gathered in Professional Duties
  • Facilitation of New Discreet Candidates
  • Service Activities at "Organization's" Facilities (e.g., Milking Factory ██ 17th)

When Discreet act for "Organization", specific triggers activate, reactivating their brainwashing effects. This induces a hypnotic state in Discreet, enabling them to automatically comply with instructions and tasks for "Organization" without retaining memory of the information related to it.








ベテランのナベさんが手こずるってことは、危険物を持って暴れてる奴でもいるのか? 気を引き締めないとな。








「どうした? おい、中村?」



おかしな中村の様子に戸惑いつつも、放っておくわけにもいかない。ナベさんや他の同僚たちも中にいるのだろうか? 俺はゆっくりと警戒しながら、薄暗いビルの中へと続く影に従っていく。





誰か怪我でもしているのか? 苦しそうな声が聞こえる方へ、俺は急いで駆け寄る。妙にじっとりとした熱く汗臭い空気が鼻を突き始めた。



最初は同僚達と不審者が取っ組み合いでもしているのかと思った。彼らの中の数人が警察官の服装をしていたからだ。しかしそれにしては妙だ。なぜスボンを脱いでいる? しかもあれは組み合うと言うより……ヤってる。汗を流しながら激しく尻を振って、嬉しそうに笑ってやがるんだ。

一番上にいる男は中村だ。その下にいるのがナベさん。ナベさんのでかいチンポが中村のケツ穴にブッ刺さってる。痛くないのか? 奥にいるのは横山に佐藤じゃないか。あれは小林さんに井上さん……もしかして、ここにいるのは皆俺の同僚なのか?



「……は? 何を考えてんだ俺?」

異常な光景を前に、俺は頭がおかしくなりそうだった。どう考えたって普通じゃない。同僚たちを止めるべきか? この場所から逃げ出すべきか? 頭の中では思考がグルグルと駆け巡るが、俺の足はなぜだかピクリとも動かず、俺の目は同僚たちの痴態を見続けていた。





--お前は何者だ! 俺たちに何かしたのか!-- スーツ男を問い詰めようとしたが、喉の奥から声が出ない。言葉が溢れてくることを期待しても、俺の口はただ魚みたいに間抜けにパクパクと動いているだけだった。



早くここから逃げなければ。いや、同僚たちを救うのが先だ。駆け寄って、中村を抱きしめて、ぶち込んで、ナベさんにぶち込まれて、助けなきゃ、俺は男だ、できるはずだ! 男と男、ヤるんだ!








「中村! 無事だったか、さっきのアレは……?」

さっきの、何だったか? 良くないことが起きなかったか? まるで悪い夢から目覚めて、すぐに夢の内容を忘れてしまったかのような感覚だ。






ホッとしたせいか、照れ臭いせいか、なんだか尻の穴がムズムズしてきた。座席の座る位置が悪いのか? くすぐったいような変な感覚で、思わず尻が動いてしまう。

「何モゾモゾしてんだ? ……ってお前なあ」

中村がこちらを横目で見ながら、呆れたような声を出す。彼の視線の先は俺の股間のあたり、っておいおい、何で俺は勃起してるんだよ! 俺は気恥ずかしくなり、苦笑いしながら中村を見る。何気なく彼の股間に目をやると、大きな膨らみがあった。







『組織』構成員 「Discreet」

特殊隠伏構成員(Special Discreet Members)通称「Discreet」は、『組織』が一般市民に洗脳を施すことで誕生したスリーパーエージェントである。









  • エージェントの活動のサポート
  • 職務上で得られた情報の提供
  • 新たなDiscreet候補者の斡旋
  • 『組織』の施設での奉仕活動(例:Milking Factory ██ 17th



Special Thanks to Inspiration

T S, Brankrow_, muscle lover, Socrates, Viewdazzle, stratavos, volpesco volpesco, Married Guy, Green Haven 11, TRTMau7, Taurus-G, Dan




As usual, your artwork and story are amazing! Thank you for always good posts and images. 🔥🔥🔥


Although these officers were certainly under some kind of strange influence, they don't really seem to be in distress. I especially enjoyed the group scene, no. 7, and closeup of a junior officer. Junior officers should always be worked over extra hard to extract those heavy loads.

OB AIworks

Thanks for your input. I am glad you interpreted my images and story so deeply!