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Excerpt from the daily work log of Agent ██, manager of the "Organization" Milking Factory:

██ 10th

Today, I conducted the morning milking of our farm's hunks. The well-acquainted, healthy hunks attached the milking units to their penises by themselves, and they seemed to be comfortably milked in a truly relaxed atmosphere.

In the afternoon, I performed a health check on the hunks. Each individual maintains sufficient muscle mass, has a healthy skin, and their testicles weight is adequate. During their free time, I observed the heartwarming sight of the hunks engaging in training and grooming activities.

██ 12th

A patient came to our farm's affiliated P-megaly clinic today.

Although the symptoms of P-megaly were in the early and mild stages, he was experiencing discomfort and itching due to penis growth, along with heightened sexual impulses. To address this, we performed milking as a therapeutic measure. The quality of the milk collected was excellent.

When we suggested a job opportunity on the farm, he responded very positively. It seems we can look forward to the arrival of a new hunk on the farm.

██ 15th

A police officer visited the clinic today. I initially worried if there had been a leak in information control regarding the “Organization," but it turned out to be needless concern.

He was patrolling neighboring facilities for security advice, entirely unrelated to the activities of the “Organization." It was a peaceful visit.

Since he came to the clinic, I introduced him to the milking equipment, and he showed interest. I allowed him to experience it, and though initially bewildered, he ended up enjoying it very much.

██ 17th

Today, we conducted milking of our premium hunks. These hunks are different from the ones that spend their time on the farm; they are celebrities or top athletes.

Professional baseball player Mr. ████ is one of the premium hunks, and, thanks to the efforts of the "Organization," he cooperates with us for regular milking.

We had him wear a uniform to record the milking process, which should delight the fans who purchase the milk.

██ 21st

As per the instructions from the "Organization," a mission for on-the-go milking was assigned. The mission was to milk the winner of a professional wrestling tournament right in front of the audience at the venue. It was quite challenging but a rewarding mission.

We controlled the entire wrestling venue with MEC-0501, putting the people inside, including the wrestlers, audience, and staff, into a hypnotic state. The tournament proceeded without a hitch, and in the midst of the excitement of his victory, Mr. ███ was milked by us. Without raising any suspicions, everyone in the venue recognized the milking as a special championship performance, and applause and cheers erupted.

██ 23rd

Thanks to arrangements made by the "Organization," players from the ███ national rugby team, who participated in the Rugby World Cup, came to the farm. They lined up in the milking room without any questions, thanks to the prior influence of the "Organization."

Their spectacular appearance showcased their well-developed muscles and masculine allure, typical of top athletes. As the milking moment arrived, they all expressed their delight with loud,  manly voices, and their fantastic team spirit shone through.

Whether as individual premium milk for each player or as team premium milk by blending the milk from all team members, it's certain to gain popularity.


Penile megaly (P-megaly)

A condition characterized by significant enlargement of the human penis. The penis undergoes remarkable growth, with an erect length exceeding 12 inches and a circumference surpassing 10 inches.  Around the year 20XX, P-megaly cases began to emerge worldwide simultaneously.

(Details : Penile Megaly)

"Organization" Invention Technology MEC-0501 (Mechanical Type: Brain Function Control System)

MEC-0501 is capable of distorting human cognitive abilities through the emission of unique wavelength electromagnetic waves. Individuals placed under its influence tend to perceive unnatural situations as natural occurrences, and it extends to the potential of erasing or implanting false memories.

(Detailed example: Suiting Pleasures)



█月 10日

本日も牧場のマッチョ達の搾乳を朝に行った。 良く慣れた健康的なマッチョ達が自らユニットをペニスに装着し、実にリラックスした雰囲気の中で気持ち良さそうに搾乳されていた。

午後にはマッチョ達の健康診断を実施。 どの個体も十分な筋肉量を維持しており、肌艶も良く、睾丸の重さも十分である。


█月 12日


P-megalyの症状は初期で軽度ではあるものの、陰茎の成長に伴う痒痛と性衝動に悩んでいたため、対処療法として搾乳を実施した。 採取できたミルクの質は上々。

彼に牧場への就職を進めたところ、実に前向きな感触が得られた。 牧場に新しいマッチョがやって来ることに期待できそうである。

█月 15日

警察官が診療所を訪問して来た。 『組織』の情報統制に漏れがあったかと心配したが、取り越し苦労だった。


せっかく診療所に来てくれた彼に搾乳装置を紹介すると興味を示したので、実際に体験してもらった。 最初は戸惑ったようだが、結果的にとても楽しんでもらえた。

█月 17日

本日はブランドマッチョの搾乳を行った。 牧場で過ごすマッチョ達とは別の、著名人やトップアスリート達のミルクである。



█月 21日

『組織』からの指令として、出張搾乳のミッションが下された。 プロレス大会の優勝者を会場の観客の目の前で搾乳せよとのことである。 なかなか大変だがやり甲斐のあるミッションだ。

プロレス会場全体をMEC-0501によって統制し、選手、観客、スタッフなど会場内の人間を催眠状態にする。 大会は滞りなく進み、優勝した████氏が試合の興奮冷めやらぬ中で、我々は彼の搾乳を行なった。


█月 23日

『組織』の手配により、ラグビーワールドカップに出場した███国の選手達が牧場へとやって来た。 事前に『組織』の働きかけがあり、何の疑問を持つこともなく搾乳室に並ぶ様子は壮観である。

彼らはトップスリートとして活躍するだけあり、非常に筋肉が発達しており男性的な魅力に満ち溢れている。 搾乳の瞬間は皆が野太い声をあげながら歓喜に打ち震え、チームの素晴らしい根性と団結力が見られた。



陰茎肥大症(いんけいひだいしょう、Penile megaly)

ヒトの陰茎が顕著に肥大化した病態である。陰茎が著しく成長し、勃起時の長さが12インチ、外周長が10インチ以上にもなる。 20XX年頃から世界中で同時多発的にP-megaly患者が発生し始めた。

(詳細 : Penile Megaly)

『組織』発明技術 MEC-0501(機械型:脳機能制御系統)

MEC-0501は特異な波長の電磁波により、人間の脳の認識能力を歪めることができる。 その影響下に置かれた人間は周囲の不自然な状況を自然な出来事として錯覚するようになり、記憶の消去や偽の記憶の植え付けまでも可能とさせられる。

(詳細例 : Suiting Pleasures)




The first one with valves directly attached to their urethra is extremely hot💥 hope we get to see that equipment more!


I would love a factory tour 😜


I love seeing the wrestler get milked. So hot seeing a buff man in a singlet get milked. They're all hot


This serie is insane 😍 wish there was a bigger gallery for more pleasure 😜