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Modified Chloe to look a little more outdoors like. She's less voluptuous, has a ponytail, pink hair and a t-shirt. Jean-shorts probably won't be in the animation. She now has a name - Jessi :)

Found a man for Jessi, and it's Leon! Too bad a werewolf is getting lucky instead of him :(

Leon is now completely re-rigged.



Eric Vanhecke

Léon de RE...génial..une franchise que j'adore en porno 3D


Wow. She's a real outdoor kind of girl. An (easily removable) pair of jean hotpants suits her. Especially if they dig in between her labia! I wish it was possible to have those on at the start of the movie, and then have them ripped off by a werewolf.

Ogirls Art

That would be hot! But wouldn't even know where to start with animating that. The super tight and digging in is possible. Good idea for a new outfit!