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Just in time for the end of the year! This pic has been on my mind since literally the start of the year, and I'm glad I was able to knock it out in the nick of time haha!!!Really love how a lot of this came out, especially those hips and that glow <3!!

Went ahead and did a bunny ears version and non ears version for this one!

*Edit: Adding some background lore!*

We've discovered that the new expansion plug has allowed Ali to alter the suit in various ways. For the first time in years I've been able to see certain parts of my body under the suit. Although some things can't be modified. We've found that no matter how much the suit skin is retracted, the node bridges and seems still remain. Feels odd to know that I've got permanent seams built into my body now...



JG Bulloon

Bod the way you pose and render images like this with such care just makes me FEEL things! In this case, how much I wanna look and feel as sassy and confident as a derg in a cybernetic bunny costume!