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"between a rock and a hard place", expect these "lycanroc" are everything but hard....

And I that is done! Probably one of my personal favorite sets of hips I've ever rendered out haha. Think I'm gonna be making these 2 into another set of Pokesonas soon, the Lycanroc twins M'kite (Malachite) and A'rite (Azurite). 

ALso belly version will be following in a few days! Been working hard on the art the last week and need a little bit of a break before I wrap it up X3!!



JG Bulloon

Ahahaha, he made a geology funny XP Anyways, epic work on this one! Your pokemon pieces always have a fun color and tone to them that combines your style with the feeling of the games so well!


Thanks JG! and yee I can't resist adding in some geology funnies whenever I get the chance X3!