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And we have made it to the end of the month! Was a bit of a splurge month, spent a lot of time taking it easy and drawing some pokemon for fun! Been a bit since I spent so much time with my Inteleon Pohā! Was great to get that kink out of the system haha! Still got a bit of left over ideas I'll chip away at which you can see on the post!

As for next month got some various catchup plans! Going to be doing a pic with my characters Klax and Lan for the painting. Likewise work on the teamwipe comic is going to commence once more! With the Salazzle sequence finally done, I'm going to be able to start using my backlog hours on other works like the fullbody zero suit pic and Nahobino sketch that I had originally doodled up a year or so ago! Probably need some cleanup on them both but I'm excited to finally work on them :3!

March plans

Role Reversal pics: Sooo I had an idea to do a species swap with Bod and Pohā based on some of my twitter kink subtweets XD. Doodled up a 2 parter for it which I am midway on! Gonna pick at these throughout the month and try and get them wrapped up!

Backlog pics: Got a pair of old pics I wanted to start picking away at from the last few years. Did a fun sketch with Nahobino that I would like to cleanup a bit, in addition to a fullbody doodle I had done with Naru and the zero suit. Gonna be chipping away at these on my free time!

Teamwipe lines: Got only a few pages to ink till all pages have been inked, so thats gonna be my main focus once again this month. Going to mean it takes a bit longer till page colors happen, but progress is progress! 

Print Painting: Got a OC pic planned out with my 2 characters Klax and Lan! Been wanting to do a pic of the 2 together relaxing at Lan's tea shop for ages now, and I'm finally gonna take this month to paint them up before I go back to voted polls! In addition new orders for this months painting are going through to the printer starting tomorrow!



JG Bulloon

Yet another month of awesome projects! Initial thoughts: - Oh no! Pohā in Bod's body and vice versa? Totally not a recipe for trouble! Hehe - Poor Bod, can never seem to keep a new outfit from getting ripped. Naru seems to really enjoy suit shredding as a hobby!


Yeee there is gonna be too much mischief about with that switch up haha!