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Heya folks! Time for this months updates so far. Getting some good progress in on some various pics and the prints! Going to be working on getting the main print pic done, but got a few little side pics going also! Planning to switch over to some lineart on the teamwipe page once the print pic is done for the month. Also as a headsup for the print tier, my printer is out on vacation currently for the month ;o;! So prints will probably be getting sent out in January once they are back from vacation. 

December Print: Got some good progress in on the monthly print so far! Looking to be done with the major background work tonight, and should get some great progress on Bod and Naru this weekend! Overall I'm expecting this one to wrap up probably close to Christmas weekend due to the complexity of the painting.

Black Tape sketch: This one came about due to day dreaming the other day haha. Should have this wrapped up (lol) this weekend!

Salazzle Stuffings: Finally getting back into work on this sequence! Still has a bit to got to finish up the current pic, but another solid work session or two should see it done :3!

And that sums it all up for the moment! Hope you all have a merry Christmas and happy holidays out there!!!




Bod and Naru look so cuddly! C: this is prolly my fav lil scene you've had them in.


Yeee I've been so excited to paint this one up! Been on my mind for ages now ;u;!!!