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Heya folks, just wanted to remind everyone that I'm going to be freezing the patreon for one last month going into november! Got a big chunk of time off from work, so I'm planning on really getting away from the computer for almost 3 week during november to help with my recovery! So i'm going to go ahead and pause Patreon for one more month since I won't be around too much. 

Secondly I figured I'd give you all an update on the ergo stuff. Been working through PT and a lot of stuff work wise. It's still a bit slow going, but I have noticed some progress on the back and one hand! Still got a ways to go, but some progress is better than none :3!!!

Also as a reminder, the patreon discount for me and Naru's etsy store is still going! So if you've been wanting to get some merch, it's all 25% off for november also at this link:



JG Bulloon

Enjoy those three weeks off, Bod! That sounds like it's gonna be lovely! Keep working on what you've been doing and feel better soon!