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Heya Folks! So got a bit of a small update for yah all this month. It's been a bit of a rough last few weeks for me which I'll explain a bit down below. But for now here are some stuff I've gotten to work on a bit! Doing a quick sketch pic of Klax, and got a bit of progress in on the background for the next comic page.

So the news wise for you all, I got a bit of a bummer of news.  Finally got to talk to my doctor on this last week as some of my ergo/back issues these last few weeks/month have gotten really bad.  After meeting with the doctor it looks like I have a strained rotator cuff on my right shoulder which is putting pressure on my shoulder blade and the surrounding muscles. It's pretty much been pulling all my muscles in my shoulder blade and neck out of tilt to the point where any movement of the neck or drawing arm causes serious pain. The doctor has put me on a reduced work schedule for my normal work hours in addition to restrictions for repetitive movement. Finally I've been told not to move my arm up past my shoulder at the moment.  Suffice to say this puts a real damper on drawing at the moment.  I'm going to be trying to do my best for the remaining weeks this month to get a little bit of stuff out, but in all honesty I'm probably not going to be able to produce as much as I want as I try and help my body recover. I've kind of hit a point where the pain is getting to be a little bit too much for me too draw comfortably or even type (all of this is being done in word to text X'3). I've gone from normally drawing on any given week anywhere from 15 to 20 hours, to now maybe two to four hours right before major discomfort and pain hit my body. I know this isn't exactly what anyone wants to hear and trust me you have no idea how upset and frustrated I am right now. But I'm going to trust to the doctor's advice on this and just commit to getting better.

So going forward I'll try to produce a little bit of stuff for folks at patreon this month, but next month and the following month I'm going to be putting the patreon on pause.  I think until I can get  to a point where I can healthily draw without too much discomfort, my main goal for the remainder of this year is to get healthy again so that I can actually find enjoyment in my art without pain. At the moment I'm really struggling to have fun with it because of the fact that I can't do more than like 30 to 45 minutes before my shoulder starts knotting up in pain to the point where every movement and even sitting causes pain. I should be going through  4 to 8 week physical therapy and a recovery session. And following that in November I've got 3 weeks off from work which I'm really hoping can kind of cement my healing from physical therapy and reduced work.  overall I think it's going to come out fine but it sucks to just be in the position where it feels that you have to take off time from the things you enjoy in life so that you can do more of in the future.

I thank you all so much for your patience and support as I go through this ;u;! The kind words over the last year have been so encouraging.  Will be back stronger than ever before you all know it >:3!!

Best Regards,




JG Bulloon

Oh, no Bod! I'm so sorry to hear that. You put so much effort into your work and improving your style, and I can tell you enjoy making pieces you enjoy. I'm so sorry that the pain has been making it so that you can't enjoy it. I'll stick around to support you with my small pledge while you recover. Keep up with your health and best wishes!


Oh no. Hope you get better!


My Patronage shall not cease despite this. c:


Aw that’s a bummer to hear! Rotator cuff problems are no fun. Whenever you get to the recovery exercises, Id invest in some sort of resistance bands at home. Those do wonders for keeping my shoulders in shape before work. Hope you make a speedy recovery!


Thank yah! yeah got some stuff at home to help with it (had to deal with a labrum tear surgery years ago on my left shoulder X'3) So hoping I'm good once I get some good rest and recovery and direction from a physical trainer :3!!