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Hey happy new years to all my patrons out there!  First off I want to give a massive thank you to everyone that has supported me over the year! There has been quite a bit of folks joining over the last few months, and you have no idea how much I appreciate your support!  You all motivate me so much every day to work that much harder at my art :3!

So! We are now at the final few hours of 2020! It's been a year XD. I think most of us can agree that this hasn't exactly been the best year for a lot of us, and there has been a ton most folks have had to struggle with.  For me there has been a lot of ups and downs. Work from home has kept me safe, but really put a lot of pressure on my body. Been dealing with a lot of repetitive strain injuries and old sports injuries this year which has slowed down the art considerably. But on the flip side, It's caused me to really work on my personal health. In addition, because of the fact that I've had to rework things a bit for art, it's given me the chance to start working on fundamentals again and really put in a lot of time on developing! Still got a long way to go, but it's been really nice to see some of my old work schedule come back as start to fix my physical issues.

Now, what does this mean for 2021 then?

First up is going to be wrapping up the Hot cocoa Cyl sequence! Got one last painting that I'm about half way through now! Putting in a tad bit more work on this one, but I'm expecting it to be done probably this weekend! With that finished I'll be diving back into the Team wipe comic! Was nice to take a little break for December and paint up the hot cocoa sequence, but the comic is calling to me once more haha. Although there is still plenty left to go on it, I think getting as close to finished as possible on it is going to be my major goal for the year.

One thing I think I will change up this year though, is to have more breaks like December for a painting sequence! Had a lot of fun with it, and it seems folks really have enjoyed it so far! Planning on doing the next one regarding Bod in late spring/early summer involving a ice cream shop X3. As for a second idea, I'll see about maybe brainstorming some stuff up and see what you all might like to see for a future one also :3!!

Content wise, another thing I'd like to finally do is start posting some videos of the art progress! Got a few old pics I recorded that I think I could put together for a trial one, and will see about doing some further recording for new pics also! Still a ton I need to dabble with to get those working, but it should be a fun adventure to give them a shot!

And that pretty much wraps up the goals and such for next year! Gonna be putting together a 2020 art summary this weekend also, so expect that soon. Probably going to be doing a little sketchpack also for 2020, and maybe a combined file for all the Cyl photoshoot pics! So as soon as I have those done I'll post them up on here :3! 

If you all have any suggestions or stuff you'd like to see more of also let me know! 

Best Regards,



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