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Hey everyone, sorry about the quiet on here lately. Wanted to give yah a few WIP and updates on pics that I'm currently working on! Starting to get some progress on the lines for another team wipe page while working on the colors of the current one. In addition spending some time working on a trade with a friend also!

As for updates, for those who don't follow me on twitter I wanted to give a bit of info as to why things have been slow. With work from home over the last few months I've been starting to suffer some issues with my shoulders and hips due to chairs/tables not fitting me.  Got to the point this last month where I couldn't spend more than 1-2 hrs a day drawing without some serious pain and discomfort. As one would expect, this sort of puts a damper on productivity haha X'D.

Thankfully I've been trying to fix a bunch of it and have been getting better! Switched out some chairs and desks which have helped a bit, and actively seeing a physical therapist to work through a lot of the pain.  It's slowly getting better which I'm extremely happy about, but it is a slow process.  I'm hoping I can get it all under control soon and be back to my full art days again, bit it may take a bit of time/recovery. 

So thank you all for your patience with me during this time ;u;! Got about 6 weeks of PT coming to help with the shoulder which I should thankfully be able to still draw during! But I'm really hoping that by the end of the six weeks I'll be a better equipped to deal with long term injuries that artist like me struggle with XD




So. Heckin. ROUND. c: