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Hey everyone I've been kind of in the mood for doing a handful of little comics or sequences involving Bod and his pokemon, or potentially Bod and his suit! If your interested feel free and post a comment or question on this patreon post regarding Bod and his pokemon, anything regarding his Inteleon Pohā, or even questions in regard to Bod and his suit! With my free time between larger art pics over this and next week I'll see about answering a few of the more interesting ones :3! 

Here are sort of the ideas you can ask about:

1) Trainer Bod! Through his travels with Pohā, Bod has picked up quite a few pokemon that tend to lean a bit towards bellies in different ways. Over the months he has gotten quite a few stories built up from dealing with his gang of misfits X3!

2) Ask Pohā! Being the clever lizard that he is, Pohā has gather a decent amount of info on Bod. Since he is a bit new to my OC's, there is probably plenty of info that the belly loving Inteleon can share :3!

3) Last is the Void suit! Always get plenty of good questions regarding the suit, and especially love doodling up answers to stuff people want to know about it!



Mr. Trainer Bod! Have you and your slithery boi ever done a heccin' belly bump with your bellies filled with air and a cactus in between them?


I would not say that has quite happened X3! Although Pohā has been known to tease Bod more than a few times with a belly of his! In addition he has had a few run ins with pointer objects due to that belly. That slender frame does fill out great, but doesn't exactly have the best of control when it's toting around gallons of water ;3!

Genko F.

Does Pohā use his literal water fingerguns for... Nefarious, risque purposes? ;3 Especially with his trainer? Seems like doing a kancho prank would be exceedingly more effective coming from him. X3


Can anyone else aquire a void suit? If so can they also have one in their stomach of sorts? Hehe


Pohā actually hasn't done anything like that yet haha! He has used the water bullet from his finger guns to inflate folks before though, although not in any risque ways X3. Most times it's to catch a smaller pokemon off guard if they leave their mouth open too long. FIghting with a gallon or two of water within their gut can make battles against Pohā much more difficult X3. In addition Pohā does enjoy the odd prank against Bod when it comes to inflation stuff, especially in his Drizzile years! I've got more than a few stories from when I found out he might be inflation inclined.....


FOlks can, although it is very difficult to come across the material to make the suit, and usually folks tend to be persuaded against donning them due to the permanent nature of them X'D! As for within the stomach, it would be extremely difficult to do so, and would probably require extensive surgery due to how the fabric is normally applied.


I have a question for the trainer known as Bod: In regards to your pocket monster friends, do they all get along well or is there some general hazing between members of your roster? I could be wrong but Inteleon seems to be quite the card.


for the most part they all get along pretty well! There is some general joking around that does happen tho X3. Pohā especially tends to love to show off his belly, and tease some of the others with it. In addition one of the pokemon I haven't shown yet tends to be a bit of a hot head and show off. There have been more than a few times where they have competed with Poha for a bigger belly..... or have ended Pohā 's fun a tad bit too early XD


Does Bod every worry about accidentally absorbing a super cursed evil item in the Void suit and not realize it until its too late?


TO a certain degree he does, but it's something his body is almost resistant to normally. Magical items and objects tend to be a whole lot more resistant to the suit, so it would probably struggle to get into it. it's a good way of sort of straining out the magical items he runs into with each treasure pile X3!


Does Bod Know of anyone else who has a void suit?


Bod's is a first of it's kind! It was more of an unintended outcome from using a material that wasn't meant to be used that way haha. Ended up working out in his favor, but has never seen the cloth used in such a way anywhere else in the world.