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If you want to see a real game example of how to use Malganis and what things you should be looking out for, I talk about some of them in these Grandmaster games that I played with Malganis!



I have a question! So when playing Mal'ganis I see your whole point is to literally create havoc in the enemy team with ever dying, almost like a Diablo of sorts right? But I see Mal'ganis' full potential is met when the enemy doesn't have proper interrupts or ways to defend against your CC since Mal'ganis is more or less easy to interrupt or denied as we saw with Lucio. But I see that even if they have those interrupts it is great that they are spent on him making your team safer to attack. My question is, this almost looks like Mal'ganis is good with everything and versus everything. What would you say is the best scenario to say "Mal'ganis would fit here perfectly."? In other words, what do you look for in high level games to pick Mal'ganis, and also what do you look to not pick him at all? Thank you for the guide Fan :)


You are still looking for less CC, if an enemy tank uses stun to cancel your sleep, then you both used 1 cooldown but only you are stunned. If all else is equal, you have lost that trade and it is a bad trade, even if its better the stun hits you and not your squishies you'll still eventually lose that way. It is also generally better vs melee as its easier to hit them with your Q and reach them with your sleep. If an enemy chromie, liming, or hanzo sees you cast sleep and immediately runs away, you won't be able to reach them before sleep ends.