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Hello everyone,

After receiving a few reports about the issues with the Android version of the game, I checked the available builds. Looks like the Android version on Mega can’t be updated for some reason. As a result, the new content remains inaccessible. If you’re facing this issue, please remove the APK file and redownload it from Pixeldrain. Some players said this method had helped them fix this issue. If this method doesn’t help you, try to uninstall the game completely along with the archive and saves (make a backup of a couple of saves and transfer them to another directory to be able to restore them later) and reinstall it.

In the future, I will only upload the Android versions of the game to Pixeldrain. I hope this issue never occurs again.


Mystic Aurora

So hold on archives select move go back to main screen of my file search select reach in files toggle ren should pop up click on game file then move it there


Which app do you use for moving folders and stuff