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Hello friends! Today I got back into Tome of Beasts and made:

  • Dullahan - this headless horseman was a lot of fun to model up! I'm happy I already had a warhorse model ready to go haha. The spinal whip was pretty wild to model. Given the complexity of any whip weapon I made sure the whip was a separate piece you can insert into his hand once printed. For FDM printing I recommend printing the whip as flat as possible. For the mount printing it on its side should work fine. Just be careful removing supports under the head. For resin users the usual presupported file is up. 
  • Duskthorn Dryad - this is basically a druid but with wooden looking skin so it was a pretty basic remix project. FDM should print fine as is though you will lose some of the leaves. For resin users the usual presupported file is up. Be sure to use flush clippers when cutting the supports on the leaves so you don't accidentally snip them all off. 
  • Eala - ok this is a very silly creature in this book. Its basically a fire goose lol. Naturally I HAD to give my existing goose model a fire head. It would have felt wrong otherwise lol. 

That's all for now! More to come tomorrow! Enjoy :) 



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