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Hello friends! Today I worked on some easy ones that required some remix work though a little sculpting was still needed to get them just right: 

  • Kobold Deinonychus Rider - ok this one is wild lol. Given the sheer complexity of this one I don't recommend FDM users try to tackle this one unless they are very confident in their machines. For resin users that supports under the feather headdress may look intimidating but if you carefully remove them in a brushing fashion after cleaning they should come off easily. I did this what a similar headdress for a Lizardfolk once. Warm water or a brief use of a hot hair dryer in this area will help soften it some as well. The legs were thickened to hold up the extra weight but its a rather small model so it should be fine there once cured. Full files are in Misc Patron Requests - K - Kobolds Other. 
  • Elf Female Warlock with Shield - a pretty classic adventurer option. Full files are in Adventurers - Warlocks - Elf Warlocks. For FDM I recommend printing her with the hand pointed upward so no supports are needed in there. The presupported file has been uploaded for resin users. 
  • Crystal Dragonborn Paladin of Tiamat - the crystal dragon from Fizbans has a chonky neck and big crystal horn in the center, so it wasn't too hard to pull this off. Full files are in Adventurers - Paladins - Dragonborn Paladins. For FDM users I recommend printing him on his left side so the supports aren't really necessary for the mouth and given the axe is very big supports on it shouldn't be too hard to remove. For resin users the presupported files are up. 

My take on the Crystal Dragonborn is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.




Those are amazing could you possibly do a Halfing rider version of the Kobold Deinonychus Rider.stl. I'm running an Eberron campaign and would love a Talenta Clawfoot Rider. ♥