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Hello friends! Today I worked on requests and got one to work on monsters from "Flee, Mortals" by MCDM. This is an amazing monster book created by Matt Colville's production company so any opportunity to work on the wild creatures in this book is always an exciting time! 

Given it was artist's choice I went for the first monsters in the book the Angulotls! These are peaceful poisonous frog folk who can become a serious threat to a party if they're not careful. The Blade is a melee focused warrior while the needler is more ranged based. There are other variants that I'll eventually make in the future :)

For FDM printing I recommend printing them on their backs. For resin users the presupported files are loaded up. 

Anyway more requests to be made tomorrow! Stay tuned! 



Kerrick Long

This is so exciting! Is this a sign of more Flee, Mortals! miniatures to come?


Awesome! Excited to see more Flee, Mortals! stuff!