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Today I worked on more creatures from this amazing book! I made:

  • Berstuc Demon - so this was a fun model to sculpt up! The Berstuc is a demon who pretends to be a forest spirit who lures hapless adventurers to their secret fey lair with promises of gifts and ... other rewards... and then kills them. They look like tree people with moss beards so I think I did an ok job. Sorry for the thirst trap look to him but hey he's supposed to be alluring right? lol
  • Rubezahl Demon - this is another murderous demon with a fey touch who sure to loves counting. A smart adventurer would throw a bag of sunflower seeds on the ground before fighting this guy haha. This was a quicker remix of an older barbarian file given that's basically what it is minus the antlers and horns. 

That's all for now! Tomorrow I'll make the winner of the silly model poll! I don't have an actual start time given I have errands to run in the morning so just follow me on Twitch and expect a surprise when I come on :D



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