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Hello again friends! This month I wanted to give a shout out to my good friend Mia Kay at M3DM! She's a very talented 3D artist who is my oldest friends in the 3D & D&D space. At one point years ago we were the only two people sharing free files lol. Since then she's continued to evolve as an artist and is one of my regular players in an ongoing D&D campaign I have with other 3D friends :)

She's launching another fun Winter Themed Kickstarter that has a lot of great minis worth checking out! She was nice enough to share a sample of her models from this project as well and its attached to this post! Its a pretty fun Snowman Mimic! Man I love mimics lol

Anyway that's all. Stay awesome friends and have a lovely weekend!



Deneb Edwards

Don't know if the link isn't working for anyone else. But it isn't working for me.

Stuart Mackey

I recently discovered her and backed two kickstarters from her this year. She does great work!