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Hello everyone. People are starting to get download quota errors again on my shared drives which means some are using syncing programs. I have put zero limitations on my end thus it's clear this is a API call issue.

Please do not use Rclone, Google Drive Sync or similar tools to synchronize the drive with your computers.

Doing so risks making the files inaccessible for download by other patrons, and that is not fair to them and breaks the intent behind the drives.

So again please stick to this rule. This and other rules are listed on the Discord if anything . Thanks and have a great day 🙂



Have you ever considered offering a CD / DVD for a small price (to cover your costs/shipping) so that new users can get all the files at once without having to download? It would obviously need to be tier-appropriate :) Even if you only update the DVD once or twice per year, that would be great resource for folks who would be interested in getting your (tremendous) work in bulk.


Sorry but adding the creation of thousands of discs of my work is not something I'd want to add to my already busy work load. Thanks though.

Chris McDonough

What I would love is if you had a zipped version of each folder. Part of the issue for me is often having to download multiple times because google's zipping process takes for ever, times out and the splits the files into subfolders. Any reason you can't put up the larger folders (like each letter of the Monster Manual) as a pre-made zip file?