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Hello friends! Today I got back into Tome of Beasts and made: 

  • Dau - this is a small fey lady who loves to party, but boy you better have your etiquette skills up or you'll have a pretty bad time lol. This is a very small print so for FDM I sadly don't recommend trying. For resin users I've supplied the usual presupported file, including one with a stand already installed that I think would be easier to print. 
  • Cobbleswarm - one mimic pretending to be a cobblestone is bad enough. Now imagine a whole swarm of them lol. This is a very simple model that doesn't need supports. 

Tomorrow is both Thanksgiving AND my wife Jen's birthday so I'm really really taking off lol. But I'll get back to it on Friday. Take care friends, have a lovely holiday and stay awesome :) 




I will now be using a cobbleswarm in my game lol. Can I ask what 3D modeling software you are using?


I just found my granddaughter Xmis present. Dau is lovely.