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Hello friends! The first models of the month are ready! I made:

  • Bagiennik - this strange swamp monster loves to start his day with a nice bath and then either terrorize or help those around it. Its a rather complicated fellow but at least he appreciates soaking it in in the morning lol. Full files are here as well as in the TOB folder.
  • Azza Gremlin - this nasty little elemental pest was an easy one to pull off. It is rather tiny though so I wouldn't recommend printing this in FDM, though if you insist I recommend printing it on its back so most of the details show up. Full files are here as well as in the TOB folder.

Also I'm starting a new D&D campaign this month! This time my friends and I are playing "Out of the Abyss" with me as the DM. I painted the players over the weekend after modeling them last month. Their files are attached to the post here. And because I'm such a nerd here's details on the group from left to right:

  • Bo the Kobold Sorcerer - cute little fella who swears he's actually a dragon
  • Mirage the Drow Mime Bard - the player actually knows the Out of the Abyss story so he's playing a mime bard so he doesn't give anything away. I give the player credit for actually miming the entire game lol
  • Spiders Georg the Eladrin Rogue - this is my wife's character. He's a helpful fella who is addicted to eating spiders, and once actually ate 10,000 in a day.
  • Ulrike the Dwarf Paladin - a brave and noble dwarf paladin who's ready to bring it whenever a challenge confronts her.
  • Selvia the Gnome Grave Cleric - a helpful cleric who really appreciates fine mushroom cuisine,
  • Gnomio the Gnome Ranger - a mischievous warrior of the wilds who loves to prank those around her whenever possible.

Expect lots of prints and updates on this campaign as it progresses on top of more free models for you all. Enjoy! 




My group just finished playing Out of the Abyss and my character was an Eladrin rogue.


The mime bard concept is brilliant!