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Hello friends! It took a lot of work but I proudly present to you all another full sized Spelljammer Ship! The Hammerhead is the largest one I've made so far and it was a lot of fun to model and sculpt up. It took another day's worth of work to get it 3D printable given all the cutting that was needed. I also made a little version that can be used in ship to ship encounters :)

This was sized and cut up with FDM printing in mind as this model is simply too large for most commercial resin printers. However if you want to take a crack at this Meshmixer is a free program and there are plenty of tutorials online that can show you how to cut up a model to your printer's specifications. This is why I supply all the files for free :)

Given some of the files were too big for this post here is the link to the Google Drive folder with the rest of the files. The important ones are here at least. Like the previous ships I used creative commons models for the catapult (by Luketansell ) and ballista (by Duskdark ) given their generic items and saved me some time. Plus this is all free too so yay creative commons rules haha. Also the catapult is fully functional so have fun shooting popcorn at your players lol. 

My take on the Hammerhead Spelljammer Ship is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

More to come tomorrow! Enjoy! 




This is amazing, but was wondering if you're planning on tackling any of the other ships like the Scorpion?


A small thing, the sail on the deck is backwards. The mat is supposed to hold the top of the sail. Sails are not rigid they are made of cloth.


Nope that's actually how it's presented in the artwork lol. But hey you can turn things around in blender if you want. That's why I supply all the files :)


Hey is there a supported version of the Hammerhead for ship to ship at all? I'm not sure if I'm missing it?


Yes. It was too big for the post. It's on the Google Drive link