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Hello friends! Jen and I are settled home now after the trip and I'm back to making art in my little home office. Its Friday which are "My Day Fridays" so I just make whatever I'm feeling like. Today I thought I'd actually tackle more models from Monsters of the Multiverse cuz I just wanted to. I'm getting close to finishing this book so its pretty exciting to work on models from here. 

Anyway today I worked on the Warlocks of the Archfey. Given the Fey nature of these Warlocks I made these Elves rather than Humans. Normally I make base NPCs humans as they are the most common NPC race to run into, but I think these guys get a special exemption. I also made versions with antlers as I figured that's just something that would happen to a Warlock of a fey nature over time haha. The male is a new model while the female is a remix project. 

Given Warlocks (and Fey Warlocks at that) are not really terms owned by anyone these are safe for commercial use. You can find them also in the Adventurers - Warlocks - Elf Warlocks folder. 

I hope you all have a great weekend! I might do some weekend modeling for fun but we'll see. Take care and stay awesome everyone!




I'm honestly really impressed with the shirt on the male version. Cloth textures that look like there's actually a person underneath are tricky!


Thanks! It was actually a pretty neat trick I learned recently on how to pull it off. I need to live stream again soon haha