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Hello from New Hampshire! Jen and I will be here for the next two weeks as we house-sit for her mother while she's on vacation. I'm obviously still able to work as I have a laptop, but occasionally the power goes out due to the snow so there might be a slow down here and there with my posts haha. 

Todays first project is the Slithering Tracker! This model was a lot of fun to sculpt up and I really love making the goopy details. For FDM printing sadly the goopy details won't  show up without the model looking ridiculous. However using lots of gloss varnish will still make this look awesome once printed. For resin users I've uploaded the presupported file as usual. 

My take on the Slithering Tracker is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

I'm still working on other projects today but I wanted to share this as its at least done done. Expect the winners of the silly model poll to be posted tomorrow. Take care friends and stay amazing :) 




Hey I'm in New Hampshire too gotta love the beautiful weather going on out there 😂


Noice. It's really lovely. Just wish I didn't have to clear the snow as well lol


Hopefully you're not looking after a hotel in the middle of nowhere...


Actually we are! I'm finally going to have time to work on my book!!!!


Better let us know the address so we can come and rescue you. =P


Nah we're good. I should take some breaks though. All work and no play makes Miguel a dull boy ;)


That really is snowy, people my way complain if there's half an inch of snow...


Oh, I hope you have a great time there in New Hampshire. It's beautiful and very snowy there)❄❄❄❄☃☃☃☃