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Hello friends. I have some important updates on a variety of issues.

The OGL Controversy - Given all my models are free and no one is required to be a patron of mine to get the stl files that they need, the OGL changes that might be coming shouldn't affect me. Unless the fan content policy of WOTC changes, which is a different document, nothing is changing here. However if the OGL changes that were leaked this month DO come to pass it will harm many friends of mine that work in 3rd party publishers and studios. Therefore I hope that these changes will not come to pass. I stand with my 3rd party content creator friends and I hope WOTC will make the right call and just end all of this soon. 

More 3rd Party Content is Coming - I've been in contact with a variety of 3rd party publishers like Kobold Press, MCDM, and Battlezoo just to name a few. Things are still in the works and discussions are developing, but expect much more 3rd party content to be made in the future. I will for sure be adding Kobold Press content on my next big project poll once the current project I'm working on is wrapped up which should be in two months. Kobold Press has given me the go ahead to make models based on their works, but, as always, it will be non-commercial just like how I have always handled WOTC material. 

New Work Schedule - From here onward I'll work two days a week on Patreon requests and two days a week on my current big project (Monsters of the Multiverse) but on Fridays I'm going to try something new. I'm going to work on projects that I personally have always wanted to make. A "Me day" if you will, which I'm hoping will keep burnout at bay. So expect cryptid models, models from books I always wanted to make, and other random stuff. It'll be nice to let my creativity come out a little more haha.

Anyway that's all for now. I don't think any of this is going to be a major surprise to some of you who have supported me for a while or who've been chatting with me in the discord. Regardless, I felt something needed to be said. Take care, keep being amazing. and as always thank you for your continued support, my friends. 



i like MCDM and Kobold Press. Also Dragonix makes some nifty mosters too.


Wait ... Does that mean there's a chance you might be making 3d models of MCDM creatures?! I'd be stoked to be able to print their 'Voiceless Talkers'!


Can’t wait to see the cryptid models!


Looking forward to see what you have coming. Thanks again for all the amazing work you do.


Great, I'm looking forward to see the cryptid models !


I'd didnt know there was a discord. Anyway keep up the great work. Looking forward to many more great minis


Great to hear that you most likely won’t be in trouble with the ogl! Great ideas with 3 party and me day!!! Looking forward to the great work


Well, thanks for reporting these changes. Glad you're going to try some new ideas, I think it's definitely cool!


I hope you do the boneswarm monster from Kobold press. Glad to see your not going to be affected by the new drama.


<p style="color: #008600;">Thanks for the nice update. this was really useful information. I wish you a productive week ahead</p>


Me days are important. Good on you for looking after yourself.


Super happy to ear you can avoid all the bullshit from WOTC. I am so sad to see what is happening with what i used to call "d&amp;d". Really pretty stoked to see you branch off. I have a few things from mongoose and kobold press. really like them.