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Hello friends! Thanks for submitting your ideas to the last post! Sadly not all of them made it here for this final poll. Some because of intellectual property issues, some because they didn't really fit the theme, and some because they wouldn't have been very fun to model. I have to enjoy what I'm making too right? :)

So here are the final choices! The winner will be modeled this Friday when I live stream patron requests! I won't vote unless a tie breaker is needed. You are also welcome to vote for more than one as there are a lot of fun options here. Thanks again folks for your silly model ideas! Time to vote! 



I love these silly ones so much


Late to the party, and I don't know if this would qualify as a copyright infringement...but I would to print out a "OwlCatBat" such as in the Intuit Mailchimp commercial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDXGG2xFx0c

Nicholas Kratzer

If you make the Golem Golem, can you make STLs for the 5 sub-golems as well? I would love to deploy 5 golems against my players that suddenly combine halfway through the fight.


If you ever get burned out, do a whole month of silly ones like this :)


John Kovalic did an amazing d20 snowman that I got a signed print of! I'd love to have a mini too! http://www.dorktower.com/2018/12/27/frosty-the-snow-dice-dork-tower-27-12-18/


It Kittymat wins (the kitten Tiamat) Should it be pouncing? Either about to pounce so crouched down ready to strike or mid pounce flying through the air?


We as a group love mimics way to much haha


please no, not the kitten...


With all due respect, "Shut up, Beavis! Chicks dig kittens". Seriously, I mean that in the nicest way.