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Thank you everyone for your votes in the last poll! Now its time for the final round of voting! Here are the top five from each poll for you guys to decide what I'll make on Monday. I'll see about live streaming it too :D

Ok there is one extra one but that's because I liked it lol. I won't reveal which one it is obviously... or hell maybe I'll just make it anyway :P

You're allowed to vote for more than one given there are so many good choices. I won't vote unless a tie breaker is needed. Thanks again for your ideas friends! 



An epic battle between Kitten Kaiju and Quackthulu unfolds before our very eyes!!! All the while Bob Ross Treant happily paints away unaware of his awesomeness. :)

Risi Nyx

Man, i'd love to see that rock band.


Can’t we pick “all of the above”?


To be honest, I would pick all of these options, but since this is impossible, I will probably pick wacky waving inflatable arm guy


For all of these polls, I weigh how awesome something would be to see against how would I incorporate it into a D&D game. We need a stat block for Quackthulu.