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Hello friends. With the Draconian Mastermind now complete its safe to say this portion of Fizban's Treasury of Dragons is good to go! These draconic baddies were a lot of fun to model, sculpt, rig and pose. I'm very satisfied with the results and I hope they'll be of some use in your future games.  Full files are in the Fizban's Folder. Public links below: 

Given the next creature in the book, the Draconic Shard, is just a gemstone dragon in spirit form, its kind of redundant to model this given all you need to do is grab any gemstone dragon, print it in clear material and give it a wash to call it a day. So next will be the Dragonblood Ooze. Stay tuned friends :) 

My take on the Draconians is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.




Fizban's related question. Are you gonna do the drakes for the Drake Wardens of every type?